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I don't know how long I stood in the hallway staring at the spot she vacated, it hurt more this time because I actually watched her walk away from me. I let out a shuddering breath and rubbed at my chest, this is the exact reason why I never pursued a relationship.

It hurts so fucking much, I have been living in my own pity party for the past week; only putting on a mask when I was in class. Fucking classes. Those were the absolute fucking worst, I knew she had friends and was well liked but to have all my teammates side with her fucking sucked.

I couldn't blame them though, I was a shit head.

"Dude. You just going to stand there all day?"

I turned to see a random guy looking at me weird. "Sorry." I muttered before forcing my legs and walking to my place. When I arrived Nagi was on the couch, a girl on his lap and another sitting in the loveseat. I groaned silently when I saw that he was seconds away from fucking a girl on the couch, I walked past heading to my room when the second girl popped up in front of me.

"Hi, Reo." She purred and I nodded at her, trying to walk around. "Wanna have some fun?"


"Come on, don't be lame. I can help you forget her." She smirked and I froze; irritation brewed and I took a breath.

"No." I said again and took a step to my right, she followed and I had to swallow down a curse.

"She's nothing, I can be your everything." She purred and I couldn't hold back my anger.

"Get out."

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't fucking stutter. Nor did I stutter when I told you 'no' twice. You think I'm going to jump into bed with you just because I'm sad? Yeah, that'll help. A mediocre fuck with a boring girl will solve all of my problems."

"Fuck you, Reo."

"I'll pass, sweetheart. Let me ask you something, does this usually work for you? This whole 'I can make it better' shit. Because I'm getting the vibe that it probably does, never last though; does it?" I sneered and she gasped before slapping me across the face.

I chuckled. "I hit a little too close to home, huh? You're nowhere close to her level so get out."

Her eyes misted and she ran around me, I let out a sigh when I heard the front door slam. Nagi whistled and chuckled. "At least you're not entirely stupid."

"Fuck off." I muttered before entering my room, I laid on the bed trying to control my anger. This is what I deserve for not fully trusting her. I knew, I knew she wasn't like this but that fucking doubt and my mother are thorns in my side that would never come out.

My phone rang and I looked at the screen. "Fuck my life." When I saw it was my mother.

Speak of the Devil.

I watched the screen until the call went to voicemail, I stared blankly while she called back again and again dreading whatever conversation she wanted to have.

I haven't talked to her since I saw her, im sure her little spies told her I was single and she's calling to gloat. When she called back yet again, I decided to get it over with.

I answered but didn't say anything. "Reo?"


"I heard you got rid of her."

I sighed, disappointed but not surprised that is what she wanted to talk about. I waited three seconds before hanging up. I answered with a smirk when she called back.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now