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"So what do I do?" I asked and Sophia hummed to herself, looking deep in thought.

"Would you be against meeting him again?"

The question was innocent but I couldn't help stiffening at it; am I against it? I wasn't sure.

"Why would he want to meet him again?" Y/N asked with furrowed brows, thank God she asked the question.

"Well.. If you show him all this evidence against him, have him drop his claim and chop up his company then id say all of this would end within a few months. Should you go to legal route, it could take years."

"Aren't you suppose to encourage a legal route?" Her dad questioned and Sophia shrugged.

"Normally but even I know this shit would take forever. You dad may not have access to all his money but he still put a huge amount away every year. He's got the funds to fight this for a long time."

I let out a growl of annoyance and ended up being defeat. "I don't want to meet him but I also know he'd be petty enough to drag it out. So i'll meet him."


"Why am I here?" Father demanded and I rolled my eyes, it had been two weeks since meeting with Sophia and my Father had finally accepted a meeting. I figured it was because my last message said if he didn't then we had sufficient evidence to arrest him for assault.

I smirked at his angry face, he must have not liked being threatened. "You know exactly why you're here." I scoffed. "What did you expect? That I would bow down just because you're my father?"

"I expected you to do what you were meant to do, be apart of this family and do that right thing. Protect us."

"Protect us? Who the fuck is us? You and mom?" I shook my head. "Like I told her, I'd never do that and you're dumb as fuck to assume I would considering how you were my entire life."

"I provided for you, gave you everything you wanted." He gritted out and I rolled my eyes.

"We already had this discussion, seems a bit redundant to have it again, doesn't it?"

"Disrespectful little shit." He growled.

I sighed heavily, I probably sounded like how he did when I disappointed him; oh how the tables have turned. "Let's not start with the name calling. I called you here to tell you to drop the suit, don't come after me and I won't come after you and yours."

"I'm not dropping the suit. You have nothing."

I raised a brow. "I have the power to destroy you and your company." I smirked. "Or did you forget that you signed over your shares to me? Forging a signature is illegal you know."

His hands on the table turned into fists, his knuckles turning white but his face was stoic; he probably hoped I believed his nonchalant attitude. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Want to know what one of the best things about being with y/n is? Other than she is my dream woman and my future but her family is an actual loving family. They brought me into their circle and I'm now apart of them. They're my family now and they have kick ass lawyers." I chuckled.

I pulled my phone out and turned the screen towards him, showing a picture of Sophia; his face paled and he cursed under his breath. Sophia let it slip that my father was deathly afraid of her because of her track record. There was a saying all business abided by - Never let Sophia set her sights on you.

"I'm assuming you know who this is?" I smiled. "She's one of the lawyers that they have on retainer and she graciously allowed me to become her client."

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now