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"I really shouldn't have found that hot but.." I shrugged and Reo laughed before wrapping his arms around me. I leaned up to kiss him and he pulled back, making my brows furrow.

"Blood, babe." He pointed to his mouth and I scoffed.

"I wasn't asking to make out."

"Mhmm. Sure, you were just saying you found that hot." He teased and I clicked my tongue in annoyance, he leaned down at gave me a quick kiss.

"Well we can add assault to the list and should make everything easier." Axel said and we broke apart.

"You recorded it?" Reo asked and he nodded.

"Yup. Y/N also has a lawyer you can use should it escalate to that. The only question is, what do you want to do?"

I looked up at Reo who looked torn and I didn't blame him, I turned to Ax. "He doesn't have to make a decision now." Ax smiled and nodded.

"I'd say tomorrow morning should be safe, even if he goes to lawyers we still have proof of the assault."

Reo's body relaxed and he nodded so I turned him towards the car so we can go home. He squeezed me tighter and I held him just as tight, of course the moment never last long.

"For her? You'd throw your whole life away, your family for her?" His father sneered and I stiffened.

"Yes." Reo said without turning and as we held eye contact, I knew what he was asking me. If I was still with him, I smiled and he let out a breath.

We could hear his father's steps come closer and we looked to see Axel stop him in his path. "If you're okay with digging yourself deeper into a hole then i'm all for it. But I suggest you leave."

"Who the fuck are you?" His father sneered.

"I suggest you leave." Ax repeated and his father paused for a few seconds, looking from Ax to Reo before finally resting on me.

"You little bitch! If only the bullet hit its intended target."

In a blink, Reo was throwing another fist against his Father's face and it was an all out brawl, his father was snarling like he was some kind of animal and Reo wasn't listening to anyone calling out for him. Axel was even having a hard time pulling him off, I stood there stunned but knowing I shouldn't try to break it up.

"Gun!" A voice yelled and one of Axel's men picked me up, pulling me towards the car.

I fought his hold. "Stop! Reo! Put me down!!" I yelled, my eyes on Reo.


He was thrown off his Father just as the sound of a bullet firing went off, I gasped and fought harder when more of my fathers men surrounded them and I could no longer see what was happening.

"No! No! Please! Let me go!" I screamed.

"Ms. Kana, please." The man held me tightly and tears were falling from my eyes, my vision blurry and It felt like I couldn't take a full breath.

"Reo!" I screamed right before I was thrown into the back seat and the door was closed in my face. I let out a sound of frustration when they wouldn't open. "No no no no no. Open, Goddamn it!" My throat was raw from screaming and my tears wouldn't stop, I pounded on the window; even debating using my feet to break it.

I laid back to do exactly that when the door opened and Reo jumped inside, I gasped and sat up just in time for my to wrap his arms around me and haul me into his lap. I straddled his thighs and sobbed.

"I'm okay." He panted and I pulled my head back, framing his face with my hands I looked over his whole body.

He squeezed my hips. "Baby.. I'm okay."

I hiccuped and nodded before I buried my face into his neck. "I was so scared. I thought-"

"I know. It's okay. I'm okay." He said softly and rubbed my back.

I heard another door open then close and then we were moving, Reo continued to rub my back while I tried to stop crying. "What happened?" I asked and my voice sounded rough that Reo held me tighter.

"I will be honest, I don't know what he was planning to do with that gun but it fired when he kicked Reo off of him. Pretty sure he shot himself in the foot. I left Maddox there to deal with the police." Axel sighed. "You okay, princess."

I couldn't answer that, this was all too much to deal with and I burrowed more into Reo. I listened to his heartbeat and his whispered sweet words all the way back home, when we arrived he didn't let go of me and carried me into the house.

"Princess?" Dad's frantic voice made me turn my head and look at him, his face softened and he rubbed the side of my head before nodding.

"Take care of her, we'll be here when you're ready to talk."

"Thank you." Reo said before taking me upstairs, I directed him to my room and he laid me down , covering us in my blanket.

"Baby?" He asked after a little while. "Tell me what you need."

I tilted my head to look at him and I rubbed his cheek. "I need you.."


"Please. I was so scared.. I couldn't- I just- I need you."

"Are you sure?" The fact that he'd ask that made my fall deeper for him. I nodded and leaned him to kiss him, he separated before I could deepen it. "I need words, baby. Let me hear them."

"I'm sure."

Slowly he did me of my clothes, laying kisses everywhere skin was bared. He worshiped my body with every inch of his until I was needy.

"Reo." I gasped and gripped his hair, his teeth were leaving marks all over my chest and my nipples were so sensitive. "Fuck. Make love to me please."

"I fucking love it when you beg."

He kissed his way up, leaving a hickey on my neck and biting my jaw before fusing our lips together. He groaned when he rubbed my clit. "So wet for me."

"Please!" I begged.

His fingers were replaced with the head of his cock and I moaned when he slowly thrusted into me, no matter how many times he preps me there's always that stretching burn that takes my breath away.

"Yessss." I hissed and my eyes rolled back when he bottomed out.

"You're so sexy." A kiss to my check. "I can't believe you're mines." A kiss to my lips and he slowly moved his hips.

He rocked into my at an almost lazy pace, one that draws out my pleasure but not enough to send me over the edge. I wanted him to go faster, harder but I always wanted him to keep doing this.

His eyes never left mines and the love that shined through made mines prickle. Our moans and groans were low, like we were making sure only us could hear.

"I love you so fucking much." He moaned.

"I love you too."

Then his lips would cover mines, he repeated it over and over again. The i love you's then a deep kiss, when he angled his hips and dragged my clit over his pelvis my body arched.

"Yeah, baby.. Cum for me.. just like that." He groaned.

I raked my nails down his back and met him thrust for thrust. I could feel my orgasm building so slowly but I knew I'd be wrecked, I knew that Reo would ruin me and I welcomed it.

"Reo!" I gasped and my body locked up tight, pulling a groan and him over the edge with me. He held my tightly and I could feel his cock twitch inside of me but he didn't move. Even when he softened he continued to lazily kiss me, promising me forever.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now