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Arms wrapped around me from behind and I smiled, Nagi rolled his eyes at me before I turned around to face my woman. "Hi, baby." I held her jaw and kissed her deeply, pulling a moan that made me want to bury myself in her and make her cum.

"Hi." She panted with a smile and placed another quick kiss before leaning back. "You done for the day?"

I nodded and moved my hands to her lower back. "Yeah, just waiting for you."

"More like pouting." Nagi grumbled and she smiled bigger, I rolled my eyes and turned us to face him.

"I wasn't pouting."

"Pouting." He deadpanned and I took a step forward to hit him when she pulled me back and tucked herself into my side. Like always, y/n had a way to get me to do anything she wanted.

Not like it was hard when I literally worshipped the ground she walked on. I lost her once and nope, never fucking again; it made me realize that my life with a whole lot of nothing if she wasn't in it.

"Whatever." I grumbled and she pinched my side so I pinched her ass in retaliation.

"I think it's sweet." She told Nagi and he rolled his eyes before yawning.

"Of course you do, you both are so sickening in love it's nauseating."

"Green isn't your color, bro." I teased and he flipped me off.

"Fuck off, i'm not jealous more like annoyed."

We all chuckled before making our way towards our place, as we walked there I couldn't help but reflect on everything. It's been two years since all that shit with my family went down and in the grand scheme of things that seems like a long time but it hasn't.

Y/N and I have been going strong since then and she somehow makes time seem so fast but so slow at the same time. I noticed that in general that obviously time flies but there are moments, moments of just the two of us that seem the go on forever.

Not in a bad way, no, never in a bad way but more of a way that I want to stay in that particular moment for the rest of my life.

Like when she moved in which was when we came back to college, she looked me dead in the eye and said: "You can't expect me to go from having you all day everyday to not, Reo. It doesn't work like that." Then proceeded to convince me that we should sleep at each others places while we alternate between them.

I rebutted with a hard no to the alternating between places and suggested she move in with me. Okay, maybe I demanded it but I meant for it to come out sweet. Thankfully, my woman knows me and smiled big while shyly saying "okay."

That shy smile and excitement and happiness that shine brightly in her eyes gets me every single time. Since then we've been inseparable, well except for the random classes that we don't have together. She became my rock, my everything and love of my fucking life.

During the past two years we had many moments like that and I gobbled them up like candy. We were the most ass backwards couple ever but it somehow worked in our favor. Due to the separation period and her going missing, the death threats, the fight with my parents and everything in between; we now are the best at communication.

That's the most bizarre thing because I was never one to openly talk about my feelings but it was easy with someone who not only expects it but demands it.

When I tried to bottle it in she looked at me with a disapproving look and crossed arms before she spewed the truth that hit me square in the chest.

"If you're mad, upset, sad, annoyed or anything other than happy with me then you need to talk to me about it. You can be all of those things only where I can see you."

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now