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Fuck. My head was all over the place I was giving myself emotional whiplash. I couldn't get over what I read in that folder, documents of her family, where she came from..

Drug addictions, gambling, jail time.. Who the hell am I dating and why does meeting her family cause me with dread?

I couldn't meet her family knowing that I essentially know all the darkest parts of them. I also couldn't stop the never ending questioning, the doubt I let creep up whenever I thought of y/n.

Does she like me for me? Or my money? Maybe my name? Fuck will she try to trap me? I groaned out loud and Nagi looked at me funny.

"You good?"

"No." I sighed, I opened my mouth to vent when I clamped it shut hard. I couldn't talk to Nagi like this, this was his family too.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah.. Just some shit with my family." He nodded because he understood, I hated using them as an excuse.

"You and y/n okay?"

I stiffened at the question and his brow raised. "Yeah.. Why?" I asked nervously and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because you've barely seen each other. It's weird."

"Why is it weird?"

"You're usually all over each other and for the past week? Nothing. Did you guys break up?"

My heart beat faster and panic filled my veins. "No? What the fuck? Why? Does she think we broke up?"

He held up his hands. "Dude, chill. I don't think so, I'm just saying."

"You don't think so?"

"This is literally a conversation to have with your girlfriend, not me."

I nodded. "You're right. I'll talk to her, i'm just stressed the fuck out.."

"At least it's Friday and we don't have a game tomorrow, spend the weekend with her or something."

"Yeah that sounds go-"

My phones beep interrupted my sentence and I pulled it out seeing a notification from the news app. I was about to put it away when Nagi's phone also beeped.

"What the fuck Reo?!" He growled and looked at me with betrayal in his eyes.

"What?" I opened up the app and my eyes widened. "Son of a bitch."

"Want to explain why you're dancing with some chick and hiding in corners when you have a girlfriend?" He seethed and I continued scrolling through the photos.

Fuck, it looks bad. Margot and I standing side by side, small smiles making it seem like we're flirting. Us dancing, laughing and me dragging her by her elbow to the corner where we talked about her blackmail.

"It's not what it looks like."

"You sure as fuck better hope not." He shook his head before walking away.

I pulled my phone out to call the photographer.


"What the fuck!" I growled.

"It wasn't me! It was another guy she hired, she's been pestering me all week and I thought I kept her at bay but apparently not. I swear it's not me."

I took a breath and nodded. "Find out their name for me."

When he hung up and gripped my hair, this is not how I wanted her to find out. You should have talked to her, a voice sounded in my head and I groaned before running towards y/n's apartment.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now