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AUTHOR NOTE: Guess who's back from the dead!! LOL, sorry for the late ass update, I have been soooo deep into my Itachi fic I forgot about this one 😅

I have one more chapter coming out and this one will be completed, so bittersweet but don't worry, I have many more fics coming out.

Love you all!!

6 Months Later

"You motherfucker!" Reo groaned and I wasn't fast enough to smother my laugh, he whirled around and his shoulders dropped; the look of relief taking over his face. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist, his coming around me and tightening. "I thought you weren't back until tomorrow." He spoke into my neck like he was trying to burrow his way into me.

I had taken a fast trip to see my brothers because of my mom's begging. Apparently they were ignoring her and she demanded to know why. Dad convinced her to send me instead, knowing i'd ask in a subtle fashion.

"Wanted to surprise you." I smiled when he kissed my neck.

"Not complaining. How was it?"

Before I responded, I pulled him down to me for a kiss; it was suppose to be a quick one but as soon as our lips connected, there wasn't anything that could pull us away.

He deepened the kiss and I gasped when he squeezed my ass, his tongue taking full advantage of my parted lips. He swallowed my moan and lifted me off my feet. "Fuck." He gasped, moving only slightly back. "I know I asked you a question but I need you."

"Here?" I panted and he smiled against my lips.

"We haven't christened my office yet, baby."

I chuckled because, true, we haven't, instead of responding we went back to kissing. I was so immersed in the feel of him, I didn't notice him moving until my ass was placed on his desk.

His hands roamed my body before slipping between my parted thighs, I smirked internally when he pulled back suddenly. "No panties, baby?"

"Why do I need panties when I'm gonna see my fiance?"

He groaned. "Soon husband will be leaving those lips but for now, i'll take a scream." He murmured against my lips before dropping down to his knees.

"Reo!" I gasped when he wasted no time, his tongue attacked my clit like i've been gone for 5 years instead of 5 days. "Oh, God." I moaned loudly before biting my lip.

"Uh-uh." He slapped my outer thigh pulling a gasp from me. "I want to hear you, baby."

"But- what if someone, fuck- hears?" I tried to speak in full sentences but it was hard to when his mouth was rendering me useless.

"Testing out if my office is actually soundproof. Now cum on my tongue." He growled and my head tipped back on a loud moan.

I progressively got louder the more he worked his tongue, it wasn't until he pulled me closer to the edge, threw my thighs over his shoulders and devoured me that I came. And like he demanded, it was a scream.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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