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My head was all kinds of fucked up today and I thought y/n would help calm my thoughts and she did but only slightly.

Fuck does that make me a shitty boyfriend?

When we reached my room, her lips were back on mines and my brain was blissfully filled with only her. I could never get over how her lips felt against mines, like they were made perfectly to fit each other.

"I need you." She panted and her words tugged on the direct line to my dick.

"Fuck." I groaned before we both shed our clothes and I laid her on my bed. I moved from her lips to her neck and sucked hard, leaving my mark. Something about her made me so possessive, I marked her constantly so people knew she was mines.

"Reo." She moaned my name and I closed my eyes, there was something about the way my name sounds on her lips.

Drives me absolutely feral.

"Fuck baby." I groaned when she rolled her hips, the heat of her pussy against my dick was perfect.

"Please." She begged and I chuckled.

"So needy for me." I cooed before giving her a hard kiss, thrusting my tongue between her lips at the same time I thrust my dick in her.

She separated with a gasp and a long groan. "So good." She whimpered when I starting my punishing pace.

"Reo. Oh God! I-- Yes! More."

I moaned and gave it to her harder, my hand gripped her throat and I squeezed. Her pussy fluttered and her eyes rolled back, her moans were out of control and she pushed me closer to my orgasm.

She stiffened and her back arched before her pussy clamped down on her and my name left her lips with a scream. "Yeah, baby. You're so fucking sexy when you cum on my cock." I groaned.

She whimpered then moaned. "Oh! Reo. Pl--, please. I- I-"

"One more." I demanded and brought a thumb to her clit, rubbing softly. She let out a long moan, her clit sensitive.

"I-, I- can't.." She sobbed in pleasure and I chuckled.

"One. More."

Her pussy clenched at my tone and I hummed. "Your greedy little cunt wants more, baby. Give it to me."

I rubbed her clit harder and she screamed out her orgasm. Her pussy squeezed me so hard, I almost passed out from how hard I came. I held her hips against me while I gave her every drop.

"Holy fuck." She gasped and I smiled, my mind blank and my girl sated, life was good.

"Come on, baby. Let's shower."

She groaned and I shook my head. I picked her up and brought her to the shower, we washed each other and I desperately tried to be present but my conversation with my parents kept popping up.


"Ugh." I groaned and Nagi raised a brow. I held up my phone. "My parents won't stop calling."

"Just answer it. Practice won't start for another few minutes." He shrugged and I sighed.

"Hello, Mother."

"Reo. I'm here with your father. We need to speak to you." My mother's tone left no room for arguments.

"Is there anyway we can do this later? I'm about to start practic--"

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now