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As soon as I hung up the phone, my tears fell. I tried my hardest to keep my shit together but I had no strength anymore. He had a woman in his bed, I laughed out loud, of fucking course he does. Why wouldn't he?

I tipped my head back to look at the stars, I took a deep breath and willed my tears to go back into my eyes. I cannot believe this is my fucking Friday night. I'm standing in front of a gas station near a park by myself because my boyfriend is a piece of shit. Ex boyfriend now.

A wave of fresh angry tears rolled down my face when I thought about what happened not even 10 minutes ago.

1 Hour Ago:

"I got here safe and sound." I said and Nagi sighed.

"Good. You know I hate it when you fly there." He grumbled.

"I know but my car is in the shop, flying just made sense." I said while hailing a cab.

"Please be safe." He said and I smiled.

"I will, I promise." I replied and we said our byes.

I had messaged one of his friends who told me he was at a party so I gave the cab driver the address. It was kinda far and my annoyance grew slightly, he had been ignoring my texts all night.

30 minutes later, I was dropped off on the street in front of the frat house the party was at. I made my way up towards the door, keeping my eye out for Kira. When I didn't spot him in the yard or living room, I walked to the kitchen where I instantly found his friend who I messaged.

"Hey!" I yelled over the music. "Where's Kira?"

Ronin's eyes widened when he saw me. "What are you doing here?" His reaction made my brows furrow.

"I'm here to surprise him, do you know where he is?" My eyes narrowed when he paled slightly and grew nervous.

"Uhh.. no, I haven't seen him. Maybe he left." He stuttered.

"He's upstairs." I turned to see a girl standing near the doorway with a smug look on her face.

"Upstairs?" I questioned and she smirked.

"Second door to the left."

I nodded and made my way upstairs and stood in front of the door she said he was in. My heart rate was spiked and I was worried. I took a deep breath and turned the knob, what I walked into made me want to bleach my eyes. Because what I was looking at sure looked like my boyfriend fucking a girl from behind while she was bent over a bed. But that can't be right, we're together not him and this random girl.

"Fuck yeah baby." Kira groaned and I wanted to vomit.

"You're fucking joking." I said with a laugh of disbelief.

Immediately both their heads whipped to me and their eyes widened. "Fuck. Y/N what are you doing here? It's not what it looks like! Let me explain!" He frantically spoke and I shook my head, the bastard was literally still in her while talking to me.

"Fuck you." I said before turning around and running out of the party, I didn't stop until I reached the gas station.

I wanted to scream, cry, rage and throw up but instead I continued to stare at the stars trying to figure out what the fuck I was going to do. I was hours away from home and there were no flights until tomorrow morning.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now