Hell broke loose

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~~~~~~~Years ago~~~~~~~

After Mikey decided to disband Toman and Takemichi went back to the future, the ex-Tokyo Manji leader gathered with his friends at the Manji Temple for one last announcement.

- "I have decided to cut contact with all of you" Mikey said in a cold tone.

Draken, Mistuya, Chifuyu and Peh-yan were looking at him in disbelief.

- "You kidding, right Mikey?" Draken asked.

- "Nope, I am sick of your faces, you bore the shit out of me. I don't need you anymore" Mikey said looking at them disgusted.

- "Mikey..." Mitsuya started to talk, but Mikey punched him in the face.

- "What the fuck, Mikey?!" Draken yelled trying to get him off Mitsuya.

But Mikey did not care at all and started to hit them all until they were almost unconscious. 

- "What the hell happened here?!" Katsumi yelled running to them. "Manjiro, what the hell?!"

She wanted to help Chifuyu get up, but Mikey grabbed her hand and twisted her wrist. Katsumi screamed and punched her brother.

- "Katsumi, from now on you can forget you have a brother!" Mikey said removing the blood from his lower lip.

- "Why? Because I punched you?" His sister asked looking at him annoyed.

- "No, because I don't need you anymore. You are boring and useless. All you care is you boring school and your boring grades. You weren't even able to get here in time for my announcement because of your fucking school. Now I have to make the same announcement twice because of you. I hate to repeat myself." Mikey said looking her dead in the eyes.

- "You are out of your mind! You can not cut contact with me! Where will you live?"

- "This shouldn't concern you." Mikey said annoyed.

- "Of course it concerns me, you are my twin brother!" Katsumi yelled at him.

- "Just fuck off, Kat-chin, you always were useless. You watched Kazutora killing my brother and didn't even bothered to intervene, you weren't able to kill Kazutora and you had the chance twice, you weren't able to defeat Izana, I had to come and do your job. You are fucking useless."

- "Who dare you accuse me for Shinichiro's death, you piece of shit!" Katsumi growled at him. 

- "This is what I always thought about you. You are to blame for my brother's death!" 

- "OUR brother, you shit head!" Katsumi said moving to his face.

Mikey wanted to hit her with his foot, but she blocked his attack. The twin started to fight like crazy punching and hitting each other mercilessly until their faces were bloody. The others did not dare to intervene, it was useless to yell at the twins to stop, they were like two demons fought each other to death. Mikey grabbed his sister's hand and broke it. Katsumi grind her teeth in pain and broke his leg.

- "Let see how will you be able to hit me again with your signature kick, my beloved brother!" She yelled at him.

Not even with their limbs broken, they did not stopped fighting. The pain was unbearable to both of them, but none of them wanted to give up.

- "I will fight you until you die, Kat-chin!" Mikey said smirking at his sister.

- "No, you won't" Draken said grabbing Katsumi.

- "Let go of me!" Katsumi yelled attacking Draken.

- "You can leave now, Manjiro" Chifuyu said annoyed. "We won't let you touch Kat again!"

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