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After the Charity event, a few nights later, Katsumi decided to meet with Ran to inform him about what happened to Misa. They agreed to meet at Ran's house. Katsumi was dressed casual with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie, while Ran event at his house was wearing a suit.

- "I think you are a bit overdresses for the occasion." Katsumi joked looking at him.

- "I can never be overdresses, you are underdressed." Ran joked pouring whisky in two glasses.

- "I won't drink tonight."

Ran looked at her in disbelief.

- "Are you part of some weird cult and came here to recruit me?" he jokingly asked.

- "No, Ran, it's serious. It's about Misa." Katsumi said in a serious tone.

- "Misa?" Ran asked confused.

- "The girl you fucked in my office." Katsumi said rolling her eyes.

- "I don't care for names." Ran shrugged.

- "You had a baby, Ran."

- "Let me guess, you took care of it."

- "Of course I did! I didn't want to see a young woman being a single mother and a poor child growing up without a father!" Katsumi said annoyed.

- "I wouldn't care for them anyway." Ran said looking at his glass. "I don't want a family it's not suited for my life style."

- "I know..."

- "But, to be honest, I wouldn't mind having a baby with you." Ran said hugging her from behind. "Can you imagine, Katsumi? Our little baby growing up to be a God?" He asked starting to kiss her neck.

- "Ran, stop." Katsumi said trying to get away from his embrace, but he did not let her go.

- "Stop fooling around, Katsumi, I know that you are also attracted to me." He said starting to kiss her earlobe.

- "This is wrong, Ran." She said freeing herself from his embrace. "Yes, I am attracted to you, but what kind of relationship would we have? Would you stop playing around with other women? Would you be ready to be available for me especially emotionally all the time? Would you support me? You are not made for a serious relationship and I don't want to be part of this criminal world anymore."

- "You are right. Even thou I would treat you like a queen, your depressed ass needs some goody two shoes guy." He said a bit bitter. "The sex with me would be godlike, but I won't make you soup if you are sick, I would pay someone to do it for you. Your brother is right, no-one is good enough for you, because what can a man provide to the all mighty Akuma? But if you want to pretend to make a baby, I'm available." He smirked.

- "There won't be anything between us from now on." Katsumi said looking at him serious.

- "Admit you liked it." Ran smirked.

- "I don't want to respond to this. Good-bye, Ran, enjoy your luxurious life." She said and kissed him on the cheek, then left his mansion.

Ran drank the both glasses of whiskey and poured himself another one. He was serious about having a family with her. At the beginning he was intrigued my Akuma and how powerful she was, then he was amazed that the mighty demon of Toman was Mikey's twin sister. Over time he was annoyed by her presence and her arrogance, he really wanted to put her in her place, but after a while he started to like her, to be attracted to her, he wanted her just for him and respected her wishes, did not try to get advantage of her even when she willingly accepted to be engage in intimate interactions with him.

- "You are a hell of a demon, Katsumi." he whispered.

Katsumi got to her car and was ready to drive to her brother, when she stopped for a second to calm herself. Ran had the power to mess up her brain by his touches and his display of attraction, but that was not a relationship that she wanted or needed.

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