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The night covered the city with a curtain of stars. It was one of the few nights when the sky was clear and the stars could be seen over the city, the moon was full and shined bright. Katsumi was running in a park near her house wearing leggings and an oversized black hoodie. She had her AirPods in her ears and was listening to a podcast about the stocks market.

It was past midnight, she decided to run or train every time she felt the urge to drink especially after what happened between her and Ran Haitani. She was attracted to Ran, but she wanted to have a meaningful connection with someone, not just to play around with one of the executives of the biggest criminal organisation from Tokyo. Since that day when she saw Chifuyu she did not talk with him, she buried herself in her work and avoided any interaction with the old members from Toman. She postponed the service to her motorcycle just to avoid meeting with Draken and Inui.

Katsumi was in a quiet area of the park, given the hour of the night, the park was mostly empty anyways. Suddenly someone grabbed her, she fought the attacker and put him down, two other men with their faces covered with masks attacked her. While she was fighting the men which had  a baseball bat and a crowbar, someone hit her from behind. For a moment she remembered of Shoji Hanma who used the same dirty trick to put her down while she was fighting Izana.  Before losing her consciousness she tapped fast on her smart watch. She blamed herself for not paying more attention to her surroundings and for keeping the AirPods on after the first man attacked her.

She woke up in a dark room tied to a chair with handcuffs. Her head was throbbing and she felt dizzy, some warm liquid was running down her spine. Katsumi assumed that they drugged her given her current state. Her mouth was dry and her whole body numbed.

The door opened and an unknown man entered the room. She looked him in the eyes making the man flinch for a second meeting her eyes. The death stare of a killer.

- "You have no idea what you have done." Katsumi growled at him.

- "You are not in the position to be so arrogant, Katsumi Sano." The man said smirking. 

- "So you know my name, what now? Do you want money? Do you want make me stop dominating the industry?"

The man laughed.

- "Bitch, this is not about you baby company, not about the money that I can get from you. It's about bringing Bonten's leader to his knees."

- "Yeah, good luck with that." Katsumi said smirking.

- "I hate the look on your face!" The man said and punched her in the face.

Katsumi gathered the blood from her mouth and spit in his face.

- "You think you are hot shit, bitch?!" The man asked grabbing her hair.

- "I don't think, I know!"

- "I will fuck the arrogance our of you." The man screamed in her ear.

Katsumi seized the opportunity and bite his neck until she pulled a chunk of flesh from his neck. The man backed away from her pressing his right hand to his neck. She got up from the chair and hit him in the face with the handcuffs. While the man was talking to her, she dislocated the thumb from her left hand and freed her left and from the handcuffs that were still attached to her right hand.

She started to attack the man who barely could dodge her hits. She was enraged, she felt like something dark inside of her was awaken and her only goal was to kill. In the split of a second, she hit the man's nose with the base of her palm breaking his nose. Because the force of her hit, the nose bones of the man broke and stabbed his brain killing him on spot. Katsumi looted his dead body and took his gun and the loader.

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