Born together, live together, die together

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Takemichi was suspecting that Mikey was the head of a criminal organisation called Bonten, he dug around and found out from Draken about that fight between Katsumi and her twin brother also about the hard time Katsumi had because of that. He wanted to save Mikey, even though Draken advised him to stop. Draken told him even about the fight between the 3 Deities and how Mikey attacked Katsumi ruthlessly giving to all of those present the impression that he was ready to kill her.

- "He would have killed her, Takemichi! Do you understand that?! Mikey would have killed his twin sister!" Draken told him.

- "But he didn't!" Takemichi tried to defend Mikey.

- "Only because she was strong enough to save herself." Draken pointed out.

After he left Draken's shop, Takemichi visited Chifuyu.

- "Chifuyu, did all of you give up on Mikey for real?" Takemichi asked him in a serious tone.

- "No, we didn't. I have tried to find Mikey before, but with no success, there were only dead ends for me...nothing useful. I almost had a fight with Katsumi when she found out." Chifuyu said pensive. "Hm...she really wanted to stop me..."

- "She was trying to protect you." Takemichi saddened. "Draken told me about the second fight between them, according to him, Mikey was ready to kill Katsumi, but only her strength saved her."

- "Second fight?" Chifuyu asked surprised.

- "Oh, shit, Draken told me that you don't know about it... What have I done?" Takemichi panicked.

- "It was the fight of the 3 deities, isn't it?" Chifuyu asked a bit disappointed that Katsumi never told him. "I found out that Draken was there,  but I had no idea Katsumi was involved in this too. I blindly believed her when she told me that she traveled outside the country for 2 month....maybe that long took her wounds to heal."

- "Maybe...Draken said that Mikey was ruthless...and ready to kill anyone who stood in his way."

- "As always, Katsumi was there shielding everyone else..."

- "She saved Draken's life and some others by making Mikey focus his entire anger to her."

- "Idiot..." Chifuyu said while tears started to form in his eyes. "She is such an idiot..? Why she never asks for help? Why she always has to do everything on her own...? I would do anything for her..."

- "You never told her who you feel about her, huh?" Takemichi asked him.

- "I did! But it was too late... I thought that we will end up together again." Chifuyu said a bit annoyed.

- "I have changed the past."

- "That's the same thing she said to me... But Mitsuya is a good guy, I'm sure he takes good care of her." Chifuyu saddened.

- "There is not doubt." Takemichi said.

- "I missed you, old friend. For you it's been a second, but for us it was 12 years."

Takemichi tried to get back in the past with the help of Naoto, but since Naoto fulfilled his wish to save his sister, he could not be a trigger for Takemichi's time-laps anymore, so Takemichi decided to find Mikey on his own.

He and Hina went to Mitsuya's workshop so that she will try on the wedding dress and of Mitsuya to see if any adjustments were still needed.

- "You are going to marry one of the most extraordinary  women I have ever met, Takemichi. You are a lucky guy." Katsumi said lightly punching his shoulder.

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