The battle of the 3 Deities

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~~~~~8 years ago~~~~~

- "Oi, Draken, is my baby ready?" Katsumi asked entering the garage where Draken was working on a motorcycle.

It has been two years since brother disbanded Tokyo Manji.

- "Yeah, I have finished the revision of your bike, Kat. Inui, help her, I'm a bit busy right now." Draken said while he was repairing another motorcycle.

While walking by him, Katsumi handed him a tool that he was trying to reach and then followed Inui to the back of the garage where her motorcycle was.

- "So how much do I have to pay for it?" Katsumi asked taking out her wallet from her school bag. 

She just finished with her classes for the day and was still wearing her school uniform which was consisting of a black knee length flared skirt, a black shirt with a bow, long white stockings and a pair of Mary Jane shoes.

- "You know that you don't have to pay for my services." Draken said a bit annoyed.

- "Ken, you are offering your services and I am willing to pay for it, after all you are the best mechanic that I know. And don't worry, I'm making enough money." Katsumi said handing a few bills to Inui. "I know that is not about the money, Draken."

- "Oi, oi, oi, what do we have here!" A voice was heard from outside the garage.

Draken got up and walked out visibly annoyed. Katsumi followed him ignoring Inui's protests. I front of them was South, the leader of Rokuhara Tandai, the one of the 3 deities.

- "What do you want, South?" Draken asked pissed.

- "Come and join me, Draken." South told him in an arrogant voice.

- "I told you, I'm retired."

- "I will never forgive you if you retire. Why was Tokyo Manji considered the strongest, if you retire?"

- "I repeat, I retired." Draken said confronting his gaze.

- "You either join me or I will kill you! Forte!" South yelled and punched Draken.

- "Oi, South, fuck off!" Katsumi growled coming in front of him. "Get your shitty gang and fuck off!"

-"Katsumi, don't interfere!" Draken shouted.

- "Oh, Akuma, long time no see!" South said. "Don't meddle in my business!"

- "What kind of gang leader attacks civilians?" asked Katsumi coming in front of him.

South was three times bigger than her, but Katsumi didn't seem to be intimidated neither by him nor by the crowd that surrounded them.

- "I wanted to destroy the strongest, but now Tokyo Manji no longer exists. Come work for me or die here and now, you have no other options Draken!"

- "South, if you don't want to go south, I highly recommend to leave my friends alone!" Katsumi told him. "You will have to pass me if you want to reach them."

- "Finally a challenge! I accept the offer, Akuma", South told her.

Out of the crowd a guy was thrown at Katsumi's feet.

Katsumi looked towards the person who attacked him.

- "Oh, come on, Brahman, don't spoil my fun!" South said.

- "You should have noticed the people around you", said a guy named Akashi Takemoi taking off his hood.

Soon the Brahman members appeared among those present.

- "Huh, and I was just hoping to get my motorcycle back", said Katsumi looking at Takemoi.

- "What are you doing here, Brahman?" South asked.

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