I promise (mature)

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Katsumi slept for almost 16 hours in the tranquility from her rented room. It's been a while since she rested so well. Her phone was dead, and it was past midnight when she woke up. Getting up slowly from her bed she searched for her purse which she found thrown on a chair with all her clothes. She got the charger from her phone and connected it to a socket, then went in the bathroom and took a shower. 

When she came out wearing on of the hotel robes from her room, she checked her phone. There were a lot of messages and missed phone calls from Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Draken. She looked at her phone scrolling through the messages and decided to call her boyfriend.

- "Kat! Where have you been? Are you al right?" Mistuya's distressed voice was heard from the phone.

It was the first time when he was so scared.

- "I'm fine, Takeshi... I just slept a lot."

- "What happened, my love? Your house was brunt to the ground, the police officer present at the scene refused to give me any information. They didn't even told me if there were any victims! You searched any hospital in the city for you. Kazutora disappeared immediately after he found out about the incident and we know nothing about him."

- "She is alive!" Chifuyu yelled when he heard Mitsuya talking with Katsumi.

- "Where is she?!" Draken asked.

- "Kat is alive!" Inui was heard announcing.

Many voices were heard chanting in the background.

- "We contacted some of the old Toman members to help us search the city for you." Mitsuya informed her. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear your voice, Kat."

- "I'm sorry, Takashi, I was extremely tired... I'm in a hotel room for the moment." Katsumi said touched by the efforts the others put in finding her.

- "I'm coming to get you, you can sleep at my place." 

- "We would like to go to my old house and I would love if you will come with me." Katsumi said.

She gave him her location and shortly Mitsuya arrived in his car, Draken and Inui on Draken's motorcycle, Chifuyu with his car and Kazutora, who meanwhile came back to Drake's garage where they all gathered, came riding her motorcycle. They all stormed out to her when they saw her sitting in front of the hotel waiting for them. Chifuyu sprinted past everyone else and grabbed her in a tight hug.

- "I thought that I've lost you, Kat." He whispered while hugging her to his chest. "I was so scared."

- "Kat, never do that again!" Draken yelled at her.

Chifuyu loosen his grip and released her, he had tears in his eyes which he was trying to hide from the others. Mitsuya hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

- "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I've worried you." Katsumi said looking at all of them.

- "Kat, I have searched for you everywhere!" Kazutora said relieved to see her alive. "EVERYWHERE" He emphasised.

Katsumi looked him in the eyes a bit worried, at which he responded by lightly nodding. She clenched her teeth and widened her eyes. 

- "What happened?" Chifuyu asked concerned.

- "I think that she's been thou a lot. Maybe it's better just to drive her old house." Mitsuya said.

- "No, it's fine. I'm not sure what exactly happened, I went out, lost the track of time, drove some girls outside the town, and when I wanted to go home, there was no home anymore. Maybe it was the same guys that attacked me a while ago." Katsumi said. "I guess the police are still investigating it." She shrugged.

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