I miss you...

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It felt good to be back in the office, back to her work. Katsumi tried to hide her injuries from her employees. Event when Sara asked her about the limping, she said that it was just sore muscles from her training. The pain was excruciatingly the more she moved which made her eat painkillers like candies. Sanzu offered to give her a special pill to help her with the pain, but she refused being firmly against drugs.

Thinks seemed to be on a good track, even thou she had to fight with her urges to drink, but drinking only amplified her pain and repelled the effects of the painkillers. In all that mess, that was at least this one thing: that she couldn't drink anymore. It helped her to be more focused on her work and meetings with potentially new clients.

It was about 10 o'clock when she decided to go and rest. The office was entirely empty. She armed the security system and switched off the lights in the main hall. After leaving work, she decided first to visit Keisuke's grave, bought some yakisoba peyoung and was sitting in front of his tombstone.

- "You can show yourself." She said grabbing the handler of her gun.

Between some graves from the graveyard a man with his face covered with a hoodie came out. Her attention was drawn to another silhouette emerging from the shadows from her left.

- "Kat, it's us." Kazutora said and uncovered his head.

- "You scared the shit out of me!" Katsumi growled to him. "But who is he?" She asked pointing the gun to an unknown man.

- "Hi, Katsumi!" A white hired man with a warm smile on his face greeted her.

She looked at him like she saw a ghost for a few moments, the blinked a few times to be sure she was still awake.

- "Ryusei Satou..." she whispered still not believing  her eyes.

- "I'm glad that you are still remembering me, Katsumi."

- "I haven't seen you in so many years, but your eyes and smile are the same." Katsumi said examining his features. "Are you stalking me as well?" 

Ryusei laughed.

- "Yes and no. Kazutora told me that I can find you here and just wanted to say hello."

- "Oi, Kazutorara, do you still follow me around?" Katsumi asked raising her left eyebrow.

- "I missed this oi of yours." Ryusei said chuckling.

- "Of course I do!" Kazutora said looking at her guilelessly. "I want to be sure you are fine."

- "Katsumi, we have a lot to catch on. Would you like to accompany us for a late dinner?" Ryusei asked.

 - "I'm not done here yet. Take my keys and wait for me in my car." Katsumi said giving the keys to Ryusei. "Kazutora knows my car." She said in an annoyed voice which the man ignored being to excited that she handed him the keys.

They both left and Katsumi kneeled in front of Keisuke's grave.

- "Sorry for the interruption..." She whispered. "I brought your favourite, yakisoba peyoung. You have no idea how much I will be willing to give just to see your face one more time, Keisuke..." 

Tears started to flow down her face.

- "I miss you so much...I think I still love you...no, I'm sure I still do. This is so stupid...I should have told you how much I loved you when you were alive...Now I'm crying like an idiot in front of your grave and it's too late to tell you what I feel for you. I should have cherished every moment I spent with you. It's been so hard for me lately...I don't what to do...I was ready to go on with my life and then the commemoration for your 10th year came and now I'm so messed up. I messed up so bad, Keisuke. And Kazutora was released and I want to hate him, but I just can't. He regrets so much everything that he did...he saved my life. I'm not quite sure that I'm grateful for this either, because I was ready to die and be with you. I became a monster.. I killed...and the worst part is that none seems to care about this, at least from those who know about it. I feel like a fraud in face in Chifuyu, Mitsuya and Draken. I've been lying to them from the past years."

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