Battle scars

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After a few more days, Katsumi was discharged from the hospital. Kazutora and her friends visited her daily. One night, while she was sleeping, Sanzu visited her, but did not want to wake her up.

She announced her brother about the spy from the cleaning team, as soon as she got the phone from Mitsuya, and his people took care of the traitor.

Kazutora was waiting for her on her motorcycle in front of the hospital when she got discharged, also Mitsuya came with his car. It was an old car, but it did its job and that was enough for him for the moment. He did not have a lot of clients, most of the clothes that he designed were for Katsumi, but she always encouraged him and promoted his business with each given occasion.

- "Heh, this is a bit awkward." Katsumi chuckled when she saw the two man waiting for her.

- "Don't worry, Kat, I will get your motorcycle to your house." Kazutora said and started the engine of the vehicle.

Kazutora recovered most of her belongings from the kidnappers and she allowed him to get her motorcycle and use it to move around town.

- "I thought that you were busy today." Katsumi said to Mitsuya a bit surprised.

- "I decided to sleep less and work more. It will be better for your wounds to travel by car." Mitsuya said smiling.

She hugged him, which surprised him at first, but then he gently wrapped his arms around her and waited until she unwrapped her arms from around him. They both got in his car.

- "I really do appreciate that you came to pick me up." Katsumi said.

- "Kat, I have no idea what you are going thru, but I want to be here for you anytime you need you always were for all of us. I won't pressure you to tell me what really happened, but I just hope one day you will trust me enough to tell me."

- "It's not that I don't trust you, Takashi, I just don't want to drag you in the same shit I am wallowing in."

- "I believe that you can pull yourself out of it." Mitsuya said looking at her while waiting for the traffic lights to turn green.

- " look like you really care for me."

- "Of course I do."

The look in his eyes made her blush a bit and she moved her gaze to the window. 

- "I hope you don't mind if I ask, but what is up with you and Kazutora? Last time I saw you in the same place you wanted to kill him." Mitsuya asked after a while.

- "He can come in handy. He repented himself from some of his past sins, and saved my life."

- "I have the feeling that there is more to this story that you don't tell me, but I respect your decision." Mitsuya said a bit concerned.

- "Thank you, Takashi!"

In the evening, Katsumi was getting ready to go to Bonten's headquarters. She dress casually with a pair of black jeans, a tank top, a zip-up hoodie and a pair of Doc Martens. Got on her motorcycle and drove.

- "Do you ever go home?" She asked entering the room where the members of Bonten used to relax and drink.

Mikey was sitting on an armchair with the same tired look on his face, Sanzu was sitting on a sofa with his arms resting on the back of the sofa, the Haitani brothers were sitting at the bar and talking, while Akashi was sitting in another armchair smoking. They all turned to her when she entered the room limping.

- "Thank you for visiting me, dear brother." She said pissed while she sat on the the arm of the armchair her brother was sitting on.

- "You know why I didn't visit you. Don't act like a child!" Her brother told her in a bored tone.

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