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Next day, around noon, Katsumi woke up with a headache. She drunk too much last night with Kokonoi, but at least their conversation was interesting.

The sun was invading her room when she decided to lazily get out of bed, she walked dizzy to her bathroom and took a shower. After that, she took some medicine, get dressed in a pair of black jeans, a hoodie and a black pair of boots, put on her AirPods and went out for a walk. 

When she arrived in front of Peke-J land, Chifuyu's shop, she decided to visit him and to apologies for not coming to his birthday party.

- "I will be with you in a moment!" She heard Chifuyu's voice. 

At the moment, she realised how much she missed to see him and to hear his voice.

- "It's me, Chifuyu." She said weakly.

The black cat of Chifuyu, Excalibur, also called Peke-J by Baji, come running and meowing to her.

- "Oh, hello, my baby! Mommy missed you so much!" Katsumi said taking the cat in her arms and started to kiss his head.

- "Oh, Kat, what a pleasant surprise!" Chifuyu said when he saw her. "Looks like our baby missed you."

- "Yeah, I missed you too." Katsumi said looking in Chifuyu's eyes. 

He blushed but brushed it of thinking that she was referring to the cat.

- "I'm sorry for not making it last night." Katsumi apologies.

- "To be honest, I would have like to see you. I was a bit pissed that you weren't there, I didn't even opened the gift from you."

- "It's some bullshit generic present." Katsumi said embarrassed. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tonight, or to come to my place with our baby and watch a movie, or something." She said burying her face in the cat's fur because she was blushing. 

It was not issue for her to play with Ran or to tease other guys just for fun, but she was not the same indifferent heartless woman around Chifuyu or another of her old friends that she was around Bonten's  members.

Chifuyu looked at her and blushed. He was glad that she was not looking at him.

- "S-sure." He said. "I can bring Excalibur-Peke-J with me too."

- "Yeah, I would like to spend time like old time with our little baby...even if it's second dad is missing." She saddened.

Chifuyu came near her and hugged her while the cat jumped off her arms. Katsumi buried her face in his chest and inhales deeply. Chifuyu's smell was always calming her, it was warm and familiar and bought back good memories since she, he and Keisuke spent time together at one of their houses and Excalibur-Peke-J was always there with them when they were children and teens. But now things were different, Kiesuke was dead, she was still entangled in her brother's affairs, since Toman was disbanded she did everything to protect the others and keep them away from Mikey, especially Chifuyu and Draken. At least they were happy, both of them had a small business which they enjoyed. There were moments when she was ready to cut contact with her brother and be with them and hoping to be like them, but she knew that would have been impossible. Mikey was the only family that she had left and it would kill her inside to be separated from him. 

Sometimes both of the twins felt like they could not breathe without the other one. Like half of them was missing, some inexplicably strong bond was linking them forever. Maybe it was the death of all their siblings and the death of their parents, maybe there was something that none of them could explain, maybe it was Mikey's dark impulses which she also felt sometimes radiating from him and finding their way to her.

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