Charity event

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- "Sara, did you buy me the tickets for the charity event, didn't you?" Katsumi asked her personal assistant after finishing a meeting with a new client.

She was wearing one of the suits Mitsuya designed for her, her hair was in a bun and she was carrying her laptop close to her chest. 

- "Yes, Boss, the two tickets are on your desk. is the lucky guy?" Sara asked leaning forward to Katsumi supporting herself on her elbows.

- "Since you are so nosy, I will tell you. He will drop by today." Katsumi jokingly told her assistant.

Sara was happy as a cat sleeping in the sun, because she will finally get to meet the romantic interest of her boss. She admired Katsumi a lot since they were in school. Even thou she would had never joined a gang like her boss did, she admired and respected all that Katsumi achieved regarding her education, her career, but also the reputation from the delinquents world.

The phone on Sara's desk started to ring and the new receptionist announced her that a woman called Misa Sakudara was begging to speak with Katsumi Sano.

- "Boss?" Sara asked looking at Katsumi who heard the entire conversation.

- "Sent her in my office, Miku." Katsumi said so that the receptionist would hear.

After a few minutes, Misa entered her office visibly in distress.

- "Miss Sano, I am really sorry to barge in like that. I know that you don't want to see me, but I need your help." Misa said in trembling voice bowing in front of Katsumi.

- "Take a sit, Misa, and tell me what you need." Katsumi said in a neutral tone.

The woman sat timidly on the chair in front of her.

- "Miss Sano, is there any possibility to put me in contact with mister Ran Haitani?" Misa asked shifting nervous on the chair.

- "I can assure you that you don't want to deal with Ran Haitani." Katsumi said looking her dead in the eyes. "He is bad news."

- "But...but...I'm pregnant with his child." Misa said starting to cry uncontrollably.

Katsumi sighed and gave her a tissue and a glass of water.

- "Misa, it was extremely unprofessional of you to have sex with an unknown man in the office, even more to get pregnant by an unknown man." 

- "I know." Misa said crying out loud.

- "You will forget that you ever met Ran Haitani, you won't try to find him, you won't try to talk to him, you will stay the hell away from him!" Katsumi told her in a threatening voice.

Then she grabbed her wallet, took our a huge amount of money and put them in front of the woman.

- "This is for your inconvenience. Try to calm yourself. You can wait here, because in about 30 minutes I will drive you to an abortion clinic. I will pay for everything, don't worry." Katsumi told her while writing an e-mail on her laptop.

- "But I don't want an abortion..." Misa said scared.

- "How are you intending to rise this child?" 

- "I don't know...but I will find something."

- "None will hire you after what you did, I will not change the reason for your dismissal. But I can give you a deal: you abort this poor child, I will help you get a new job at one of my associates' company and when you will find a man that loves you, you can have a baby." Katsumi continued without looking at her, still typing on the keyboard of her laptop. "You have 25 minutes to think about my proposal. Either way that baby is doomed if she or he will be born."

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