Burn it down

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- "Who the hell is calling me so late at night?" Katsumi asked groping for her phone from the night stand.

It was past midnight, her room was dark, only her ringtone could be heard in the entire house.

- "Akuma, we need back-ups!" She heard Sanzu screaming over the phone. Gun shoots could be heard in the background.

- "What happened?" She asked scared.

But the phone call got disconnected. She jumped off bed and ran to her dressing, she teared out a hidden door behind the dress hangers. Behind that door was a small arsenal of weapons. She quickly got dress in a pair of black, a black t-shirt, on which she put a tactical jacked with special pockets with knives and pistol magazines, a pair of combat boots and her old mask that she used to wear when she was hiding her true identity as Toman's vice-captain. She grabbed a bag with guns that she already had prepared. In the split of a second she was on her motorcycle tracking Sanzu's phone location.

She was madly speeding on the roads until she arrived at the location. In was an old abandoned building outside the town. She scanned the yard, there were two men with guns patrolling the area near the front entry. Katsumi took out one of her guns with a silencer and shoot the both me, took the rifle from her bag and put it on her back, then climber the fence and advanced to the entry with her gun ready to shot. From inside the building shoots could be heard. She was leaning to the door frame ready to barge in, when the door flew open and Kakuchō was sprinting out carrying Mikey unconscious on his shoulder while firing like crazy through the opened door.

When Katsumi was her brother in that state, she took the rifle and advance inside while shooting everyone she laid eyes on. She noticed Rindou hidden behind a strong pillar shooting to the attackers. Everyone took cover when she entered.

- "Who did that to Mikey?!" She yelled shooting around uncontrollably.

The rifle magazine was emptied and while she was grabbing another one to load again the gun, someone shoot towards her.

- "Take cover, you crazy bitch!" Sanzu appeared from behind a pile of bricks and pushed her away.

The shooting started again.

- "Get off me, Haru!" She yelled and started to shoot again towards the enemies being half covered behind another pile of bricks.

- "We have to advance!" Rindou yelled while shooting.

Katsumi got out of the cover and was shooting around covering them for advancing. Sanzu and younger Haitani followed her. They killed some of the enemies they encountered on their way to another pile.

- "It was about time!" Akashi yelled from their left while shooting.

- "How many are they?" Katsumi yelled.

- "Fuck knows!" Akashi answered ducking behind a pillar to reload his gun.

- "Who else it here?" Katsumi asked reloading the last magazine of her rifle.

- "My brother and Mochizuki who was shoot." Rindou said.

Sanzu took a hand grenade and throw it behind a pile of bricks. A man hidden there tried to run, but Rindou shoot him, another was not that lucky and his blood and flesh painted the wall near him.

They managed to kill all the attackers, Katsumi was shoot in the shoulder, Sanzu was also wounded. Mochizuki was found half awake hidden behind another pile. Akashi helped him up.

- "Not so fast!" A voice was heard from behind them.

A man dressed in a black suit entered the building dragging Mikey with him while pointing a gun to his head. Two men with rifles flanked him.

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