Chapter 4: Roommates

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The remainder of the day, Eli mostly tried to ignore the bizarre concept of a goddess following him around to his classes. Luckily, Kevin didn't understand some of the coding assignments they had been given, which kept Eli busy as he tried to help his friend understand.

Lilly instead went with Maria. Eli could swear he heard his name drop in their whispers multiple times, but he gave up on trying to listen in on them as it was driving him kind of crazy.

Lilly was too playful for his own liking, but there was no reason to be mad or annoyed with her, so Eli tried to keep his calm whenever he did interact with her. Not that it was such a bad thing. Someone, who according to Eli was very attractive, showed so much interest just in generally being around him.

Even still, home was never so comfortable to get to. As Eli stepped into the elevator, he pressed the button on the third floor, which is where his single room apartment found itself. Eli grew up mostly with his uncle, so he couldn't afford much more than that.

"Maybe it's time to look for a part-time job," Eli sighed. "I've already made my uncle worry enough with the car accident. I can at least make him worry less about paying for my room."

At that exact moment, Eli felt his phone buzz in his pocket, while the elevator doors opened. But he wasn't on the third floor. It was just a small hall he hadn't seen before, with a fire exit on the left side, and a singular apartment door in front of him. More worrying than that, however, was the name plaque on the wall next to the room door.

'Amber Lilly Marryfeld & Eli Mayes'

Eli took his phone out of his pocket and checked the message. It was from his uncle; "I moved the last stuff between your old and new apartment while you were at school. We all know you'd carry it yourself if I didn't ;) I don't want you injured again! Good luck with that pretty girl, lad!"

Eli rummaged around in his pockets and pulled out his keys. To his own dismay, they fit inside of the lock of the door perfectly. He threw the door open, just to be greeted by a spacious living room. The floors were a soft beige laminate, with white walls and ceiling. The back wall was half glass, and gave a nice view from the top of the building over the forest next to the city. White curtains softly twirled in the wind coming through one of the pen windows. To the left was a kitchen area, complete with fridge, dishwasher, and fridge. Even an island. Behind the kitchen was a door with 'Lilly' spelled out on it.

On the right in the back was a similar door, except it said 'Eli'. He could only assume it was his own bedroom. Next to that was another door he believed to be the bathroom, and finally in the front right was a seating area with a couch, a few chairs, and a TV. Lilly herself was posted up on the couch, eating chips as she was watching TV.

"Welcome home," she said without looking away.


"Well," Lilly attempted to say as she stuffed more food into her mouth, "Now your uncle won't have to worry about you anymore, you don't have to pay to stay here, you'll have more storage, and I needed a proper place to stay too. I thought this would be easier."

Eli sighed. He could fight her about it. He didn't like the idea of something like this just magically coming to him. At the same time, he would probably be a lot more comfortable living here, and there would be no expenses.

Eli walked up to the couch, tree his bag down next to it, and sat down on the couch. Lilly immediately put her legs down over his as she stretched out over the entire length of the couch. Eli responded by grabbing the best pillow and the couch and putting those over her legs, making his own lap unreachable through the legs and the pillow.

"Is that really comfortable," Eli questioned.

Lilly stretched up to peek at him. "More comfortable than you'd think."

She was streaming some form of YouTube videos on the TV. Now that Eli was rated properly, he also noticed multiple game consoles hooked up. Something Eli's never really had.

"Movie night," Lilly asked. "It is Friday, so we got a weekend to chill.

"At least let me buy you a pizza," Eli said finally, as he grabbed his phone to respond to his uncle.

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