Chapter 18: Battle of imagination

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"Kacey, just wait!"

Lilly's voice didn't reach her. Eli's bedspread wrapped around his arms and neck, trying to choke him out. Lilly snapped her fingers, and the spread disappeared.

"Don't fight me, Lilly," Kacey barked. They didn't look elegant anymore. More like a feral monster overcome with rage and sorrows.

"He did nothing wrong!"

"I cannot let that fake god be reincarnated!"

A small flame spawned in the middle of the room. It looked beautiful and wonderful. The flame danced around for just a moment, until it grew into a ball, and before either Eli or Lilly could do anything, exploded.

The next thing Eli knew he was outside, high in the air. This body felt broken and battered. He looked back toward the building he flew out of. The wall of his room was completely destroyed. But why did he have the time to look back? He was floating.

Was it Lilly's doing?

Eli peered further into the room, where he could see Kacey lay an unconscious Lilly onto the ground. Their anger was gone. Instead they looked sad. That was until their eyes focussed back to Eli, and every shred of pity disappeared from their face again.

"How are you floating," Kacey's voice raged through the empty night sky. "The hosts never gain power!"

They pushed themselves off the floor and raced forward to the sky. Then, everything turned grey. The sky, buildings, even Kacey. Eli looked around confused, until he once again heard a voice in his head. But not the nasty one that was in his dreams. This was a calm and kind sounding voice. One of a lady, Eli believed.

"Protect yourself, Eli. I've given you access to reality warping for a moment. Your body is not ready yet to use it full time, but this will help defend yourself from Kacey. Just for a bit."

"Who are you," Eli said, looking around. Yet he couldn't find anyone.

"Call me Dea."

Colour returned to Eli's surroundings, and within nothing but a second, Kacey had appeared right in front of his face. There was a sword in her hand, and soon it would be piercing Eli's body. That was, until it turned into a bouquet of flowers. Kacey swung it anyways, and by the time it hit Eli's body the flowers had turned into metal and he was sent flying.

Still, Eli was able to change the sword with barely even a thought. Maybe he could fight back now.

Chains spawned from the surrounding buildings and tied Kacey down. Soon, though, they turned to liquid and fired droplets of molten iron at Eli. He himself changed the molten iron into soap bubbles, which then exploded all around Kacey.

"No matter how tough you are, your body should still be roughed up from that," Eli smirked.

"If it hit me," Kacey whispered in his ear as he felt a tight sting in his neck. If Eli would have been any later changing his neck and back to diamond he would have been beheaded.

Eli pushed his palm against Kacey's chest and made spikes grow out of it. Yet instead of damaging Kacey, every single bone in his hand shattered before he could even land his attack. Eli yelped in pain and tried to back up but Kacey grasped him by the neck. Their eyes locked once more.

It was only now that Eli could fight Kacey in a battle like this that he realised how foolish he was before for speaking up to them.

Eli summoned a gun in his hand and pushed it right up to Kacey's head, but as he tried to fire the bullet it was a blank. He then tried to imagine the gun being fixed but all that happened was a bullet came from the back of the gun and graced his cheek. He fixed the damage in his other hand and-

He couldn't breathe. It was hard to think of anything anymore. His vision was fading. That was until Kacey's arm flew off, letting go of Eli's neck. He coughed and tried to recover while his eyes darted around. Lilly was now floating in the sky as well and her arms were up in front of Eli.

"Please," she yelled again. "Please don't kill him! We'll find another way!"

By the time Eli looked over at Kacey their arm was already back where it was supposed to be. They didn't even seem to be struggling with the damage they received, while every single second of that fight that hardly lasted a minute took an enormous toll on Eli.

"Lilly, don't make me kill you too," Kacey whispered as a gun now appeared in their hand and was pointed directly at Eli, even though Lilly was blocking the path. "You know you don't stand a chance against me. No matter how hard either of you try, this bullet will hit its target. I can assure that."

"Kacey, I-"

Eli's words did nothing. Before he could even speak, Kacey had already fired the weapon.

Not Lilly! Anything but Lilly! Eli tried his best. He thought of a thousand ways to get rid of the bullet or move Lilly away. But whatever he tried was altered by someone else, or might not even have worked. He wasn't sure.

That was until someone caught it. Time seemed to move normal again as the huge shockwave of the bullet being stopped flung past Eli and Lilly. It was so strong it shattered the glass of all the buildings surrounding them. Car alarms all the way down near the road started going off. Yet the person who caught it tossed the bullet up, caught it again and then crushed it into dust.

"Kacey, do you really think killing Lilly is the right move there."

The person looked to be a young man. His hair was short and blonde, and his eyes were green. Much like Lilly he had freckles covering his face. His face was sleek and angled. He had a great jawline.

Eli was sure if Kacey wanted to, they could have killed him ten times over since this person showed up, which means they might have calmed down a bit.

"Why are you here, Alexander? Not even you would stand a chance against me."

The guy smiled and shrugged. "You think I wouldn't feel a battle of wits like that between three people with reality warping abilities? I assumed that the fake bastard finally reincarnated properly, but it seems you're just bullying other ex servants."

"You'd be right about Lilly," Kacey hissed, "but the guy is a host to Madros' reincarnation."

Alexander flew over to Eli. Lilly, once again, got in front of him, yet as Alexander smiled at her, she slightly moved to the side.

"Don't hurt him, please," she whimpered as she clung onto Eli's arm. "Don't hurt Eli"

"I won't, I won't, princess."

Eli and Alexander locked eyes for a moment. Then, he raised an eyebrow and let out a giggle.

"It's been a busy day for you, hasn't it?"

"It has. And nobody had bothered to explain a damn thing to me in the process."

Alexander snapped his fingers, and the buildings around them repaired themselves. Not a moment later, they were back in Eli's room, which looked like it had never been damaged.

"Well, then, Eli. How about you tell me everything that has happened before Kacey here erases you from existence."

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