Chapter 5: Weekend plans

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Eli let out a slight sigh. He was trying to focus on his homework, but all he could hear was his pen spinning around in his finger and the fairly loud sounds of fabric whipping and bending, as if someone was shaking laundry dry. As he turned, he could see Lilly laying on his bed, upside down, spinning.her finger in the air in a circle. With each completed circle her outfit changed, making the sound over and over again.

"Do you have nothing else to do," Eli asked, finally giving Lilly pause to her never ending dress-up party.

The outfit she landed on was a white strapless dress, which, especially laying down, showed off her chest quite well. Eli quickly swiveled back around before he got a proper look at it, not wanting to stare, and still not being fully comfortable with Lilly just being around him. As he looked back down on his notebook, however, all of his homework had been nearly written down in his own handwriting.

"Stop changing things," Eli muttered annoyed as he slammed his notes shut. "I'm not gonna learn anything like that!"

"I'm bored and you didn't wanna do anything because of homework," said Lilly calmly as Eli could hear her arm land on his bed beside her. "Besides, you have me! You don't have to learn!"

Eli turned again, to face her once more. Lilly's bright red eyes were staring back at him, and he did his best to keep his eyes and her face only.


"I can take care of you now!"


"I am your girlfriend after all!"

"You are-"

Eli held himself back for a moment. He was about to tell really loud, and he didn't want to. Closing his eyes, Eli took a deep breath, and tried again.

"You are not my girlfriend," he said in a low, hissy voice.

Lilly looked genuinely confused as she flipped over on the bed, making it equally as hard to keep looking at her face, though the anger helped with this.

"Why not??"

"Listen," Eli sighed, "I'm thankful that you saved me, but that doesn't give you permission to control my life. I have known you for barely a day. I can't even see you as a friend yet."

"I could just make everyone think we're a couple," Lilly smirked.

"You could, but I would deny it every time. Would you really ruin our lives like that?"

Lilly stroked her chin and thought for a moment.

"So you don't like me back yet.... I need to find a way to swoon you!"

"You're insane. And good luck with that," Eli replied as he pulled out his phone.

"You seem to like boobs."

"Fuck you, that's cheating," Eli grumbled at Lilly's stupid smirk. As if a big chest in a skimpy dress was going to make him feel anything romantic.

He dialed Kevin on his phone and called him. It took his friend a few seconds to answer, though the first thing he heard was a surprised "Eli? What is it, buddy?"

"I finished quicker than expected," Eli told him exasperated, "So I have no real reason to come to that beach party of yours. Give me the time and address and I'll do my best to be there in time."

"A beach party?!" Lilly grabbed the phone from Eli's hand before he could stop it. "Kevin, it's me, Amber! Can I come too? Please please please?!"

For a moment, Eli got confused. Until he remembered Lilly told everyone else her name was Amber.

For a bit, Lilly was simply grunting agreements into the phone. Then, after about a full minute of that, she said,

"See you in a bit!" and hung up the phone, handing it back to Eli.

"Do you even have a swimsuit," Eli asked, knowing full well Kevin and Maria invite people to go swimming in the ocean every time they want to meet up at the beach.

Lilly snapped her fingers. Nothing changed, as far as Eli could tell though.

"Wearing one now," she said with a wink.

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