Chapter 22: Not alone

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Eli slumped up to the door. He was tired and defeated. He wanted nothing more than to lay down. He rummaged around in his pockets to look for the key to the door. When he finally found it he jammed the key in and unlocked the door to let himself in.

"As soon as I get to the couch-"

He was interrupted by no less than six people that were in the apartment. Eli's eyes peeked around as he spotted Lilly, uncle Oliver, Maria, Kevin, Cassie, and Ellie. It took him a bit to fully realise who everyone was, as his eyes were still not fully in focus.

"Ah, lad, you brought groceries, good!" Uncle Oliver walked in and quickly grasped the groceries from his hand. He winked at him before walking back to the kitchen. "You look like shit. Go take a shower," he called again without looking back.

"I... Why?!"

Everyone stopped doing what they were doing, whether it was the game Cassie, Ellie, and Kevin were playing, or prepping what looked to be a large lavish meal, which is what Maria, Lilly, and Oliver were up to. Some of them looked genuinely surprised, while others barely pulled a face before they kept doing what they were doing.

"Lilly said she didn't want to tell us the specifics," Maria said, as the only person who didn't go back to their task, "She did tell us you were going through something serious, and were pushing us away because you were afraid."

"Then why-"

"Fuck you, Eli!"

He wasn't sure what to say. Out of all things to expect, this was definitely not it.


"Fuck you for pushing us away! You think we can't take care of ourselves?! You think we can't take care of you?! Get a grip! We're here because we love you, and we know you love us! Stop being a pussy and let us help you!"

Maria sighed and turned back to the kitchen. The crew on the couch had paused their game for a moment to listen along, but as soon as Eli looked at them they continued playing.

Eli, as fast as he could muster his body to move, walked to the kitchen, grabbed Lilly by the wrist, and pulled her into her room, slamming the door behind him. He looked her in the eyes, while she smiled back at him.

He wanted to say something to her but he wasn't sure what. She lifted her hand and brushed his long hair behind his ear. Then, Eli dropped to his knees and started crying again. He was glad it was only now, and not earlier in the room with everyone around.

Lilly kneeled down next to him and held him right, stroking his hair.

"It's alright, honey. I'm here for you."

Her voice was so soft and nice. So was her hold on him. Her hand on his back. Her chest that he was laying against. He was so afraid to lose everything that he didn't even consider using her for comfort. Using his friends, his uncle, for comfort. He felt embarrassed. Stupid, even.

"I'm so sorry," he said with a shaky voice. "I'm so sorry everything happened like this. I just wanted to be happy with you."

"I just want to be happy with you too," Lilly replied, tightening her hug. "And you don't have to say sorry. You did nothing wrong. All that stuff with Kacey and Madros and Dea even... You didn't choose it."

"I'm so glad they're all here," Eli cried out. "Even though I wanted to tell them to leave. I want to tell them it's not safe. But I can't! I want them here with me! For me! I want you here!"

"You have me here."

They didn't speak more. For a while, they sat Eli had no idea how long it was, but he didn't care either. Time wasn't important right now. Hell, he wouldn't even care if the others out there were waiting for them to leave. All he wanted right now was to feel Lilly's warmth. To hold her too.

Eventually, he let go. As he looked up again, Lilly was smiling at him all the same. She then gently held his face, and pulled him up slightly. As their faces got close, she hesitated. Eli took her face, and pulled her closer too, planting their lips together. As they locked, he could feel her breath quicken. She pulled her head back and forward slightly, before they separated again. Lilly was beet red and glanced away a few times, having trouble looking Eli in the eyes.

"Uh, that was nice," she mumbled with a shy, yet giggly voice.

"It was," Eli agreed. "I should go take that shower that Oliver told me to take."

"You should," Lilly agreed as she ran her hand through his hair.

Without speaking a word to his friends, Eli moved to his room, grabbed some spare clothes, and dove into the bathroom. There, he had a long warm shower while his friends and family prepared dinner and stayed laughing in the living room. He could hear them from the shower, but he didn't mind. For once, he liked all the loud and cheerful noise around.

As he got out, dinner was ready. It was many types of different dishes all set out for the large group, and it was the tastiest meal Eli had had for a very long time.

"Thank you," he said to everyone, holding back his tears. "Thank you for being here for me."

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