Chapter 25: Date

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Eli climbed out of bed the next morning. He knew what he had to do next, though he really did not want to do it. Yet it was necessary. At least he managed to negotiate a final day for himself and Lilly. He was proud of that, at least.

Eli left his room and cleaned up the mess that was still left from the party last night. After that, he walked up to Lilly's bedroom. He carefully opened the door and went inside. There, he saw Lilly asleep on her side. He crawled into the bed behind her, and pulled her close by her waist, spooning the girl.

Lilly groaned slightly before backing up into him with a slight giggle.

"Good morning," she whispered with a giggle.

"Good morning, my love," Eli whispered back as he placed a kiss on her neck.

"Missed me tonight," Lilly asked softly as she giggled. "What'd I do to deserve all of this?"

"Didn't need to do anything special. You being you was enough."

They cuddled like this for a long while, for beyond the rising of the sun before either of them had any desire to get up.

"I wish everyday could have mornings like this," Lilly exclaimed as she turned around and pressed her chest against his body. She managed to reach his forehead and kiss it. Then she went lower and took his lips, which Eli happily returned.

"That would be nice, yeah," Eli said back before engaging with her lips again.

After the pair finally decided to get out of bed Eli told Lilly to put on her favourite clothes. To his surprise, she snapped her fingers and showed up wearing his hoodie.

"If uh... If you were thinking something more fancy I can switch again," she stuttered with a bright blush.

"No," Eli called. "You're perfect like that. Beautiful, adorable, and mine."

Lilly folded her hands together, then did three small jumps into the air as her eyes looked everywhere but at Eli.

"Yeah," she called. "I'm yours."

Eli took Lilly's hand and dragged her outside the apartment. Together, they first enjoyed a walk through the forest. Though it wasn't in Eli's original plans, now that Lilly was dressed casual, it felt right. Not to mention he would miss it if he didn't do it now. At a point, Lilly saw a deer and attempted to chance it.

"You're not going to outrun a deer, dear," Eli laughed. "You're supposed to look at them from a distance."

"Wait, I got it," Lilly said as she looked around for another one. It didn't take them too long to spot one. Lilly snapped her fingers, and an apple appeared in her hand. Carefully, she aimed it towards the deer. Then, she tossed it with her full force. Luckily, instead of hurting the deer, or hit a tree a few metres away, and shattered into many pieces of impact.

"Shut up," Lilly yelled at Eli, who was laughing so hard he almost fell to the floor. "I was trying not to hit him and screwed up my aim, alright?!"

After, Eli took her to a restaurant. Though he originally had something fancy in mind, when he saw how badly Lilly was eyeing the chicken tenders in a fast food place on the way he decided that was a far better idea. One that Eli secretly also preferred.

There was something both majestic and interesting about the way Lilly could inhale fast food when she was hungry. The good thing was that the guys Eli saw glancing at Lilly from the corner of the room immediately lost interest as the lack of class presented itself in the beautiful young woman, but Eli didn't mind it at all.

"You like it," he asked before taking a sip of his soda.

"It's so damn good," Lilly replied, trying not to let any food leave her full mouth. "I think I love pickles on a burger."

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind for next time I make you one."

Finally, they went to the arcade. It was a place so old, Eli even had been there with his parents when he was really young. He has a ton of prize points on his card, but he kept it a secret for now. Though there were a ton of fun games like air hockey and fake axe throwing to score tickets, the two that stood out were some kind of racing game and a basketball connect four, where you had to hit the ball in the right place to drop a piece down. They played a total of four matches and ended up tying.

When they entered, Lilly immediately fell in love with a big stuffed penguin they had at the front desk. She was frantically trying to get enough points to be able to get it. However, nothing beat the feeling of the smile on her face when, while she was trying to earn points, Eli snuck away to get the plushy for her with the points he had been building up.

"Thank you so much," she said as she buried her face into the plushy. "I love it! I love you!"

"I love you too," Eli replied, wishing he could keep saying it forever more.

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