Chapter 13: Rest

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It was quiet and dark. But soft and warm too. Eli slowly opened his eyes. He felt a soft breath on his forehead. It was Lilly. His face was pushed up toward her neck and chest, and her fingers were stuck in his hair. She was fast asleep.

From what Eli could tell, he was in the living room. On the couch to be exact. Though there shouldn't be enough space for them to lay on the couch together like this, Lilly must have made it bigger to compensate.

There was a soft breeze going around the room. The window must be open. But it wasn't cold. There was a soft blanket over both of them.

Lilly smelled surprisingly good. How come he's never smelled her before? She's been wearing his clothes and they've even slept together once.

Eli slowly looked up at Lilly's face. She was drooling slightly. Yet somehow she still looked beautiful. It was such a weird feeling. This is something Eli didn't know how to feel about. He was safe, and warm, and comforted. He always assumed Lilly wanted something else from him. Something more malicious or more lewd, but she looked as content as he felt. Was this really all she wanted with him?

Lilly stirred a bit in her sleep. For some reason Eli felt like he was doing something wrong, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Lilly groaned slightly, and it felt like she stretched her body a bit.

Her hand in Eli's hair moved up, ruffled it, and then softly patted the top of his head.

Eli could feel his body being pulled against hers as she tightened the hug. Automatically, Eli found himself putting his arms around her waist and hugging her tight in return.

"You're awake?"

Eli didn't want to answer. He felt embarrassed.

"Yeah," he mumbled anyway.

To his surprise, Lilly didn't let go one bit. If anything, it felt like she was holding him even tighter than before. Her legs intertwined with his, almost trapping him where he lay.

"You okay like this," she said too with a crack in her voice.

"Mmm..." this wasn't a time to be weird about it, was it? "Yeah, I am," Eli said honestly.


Lilly continued stroking his hair for a while longer as Eli buried his face. This was nice. Really nice. Like he could give himself up and not have to worry about anything for a while.



"What is it that you want with me?"

"I want this," she whispered in his ear.


"Mhm! I want to be with you. Cuddle and be comfy. Be happy together."

"I don't get it," Eli said without thinking. "Why me?"

"Why anyone, I guess. Call it love at first sight. Ever since I saw you push your friend out of the way of that car, there was something irresistible about you. You're brave, kind, yet serious, and you prioritise taking care of others."

Eli tried to shake his head but if anything he was just rubbing it against Lilly.

"I'm none of those things."

"If that's what you like to think, so be it," Lilly retorted. "But it doesn't matter how you see yourself. It doesn't make me like you any less."

"I'll disappoint you."

Lilly laughed.

"My, it almost sounds as if you're considering dating me."

Eli held on tighter and didn't answer.

"Even so, I doubt that. You still took care of me and was nice to me after all the weird things I did. After I made you live with me, teleported you all over the place... Even after I had a mental breakdown and almost killed you with a goop monster..."

"I... sorry this is gonna sound weird," Eli admitted. "I've had it in the past where I've been chased by girls who just wanted to use me for sex or money. My uncle always found it funny and told me it's because I look so much like him."

Lilly stopped patting his head and tilted Eli's chin up to make him look at her. Her bright red eyes almost felt like they were glowing in the dark.

"Is that why you grew your hair out?"

"Yes," Eli answered through gritted teeth. "But my point was that I thought you were one of those girls. And I'm sorry for that. I never should have-"

"I never should have forced my way into your life," Lilly said. "I'm the one that should be sorry. I didn't give you a choice at first. It's only natural you'd think like that."

It was silent for a good while. Neither knew what to say next. And before long both their faces were filled with blushes.

"Do you want me to let you go," Lilly asked as her grip lessened.

"No," Eli mumbled.


"No," he yelped out, louder than he wanted to. "Please hold me," he gasped to his own surprise.

"For now, at least, this is the only place I wanna be."

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