Chapter 27: New beginnings

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As Eli opened his eyes, he was greeted with a sight he had not seen in a while. He was up on the clouds, far above the world. The last time he had seen this, was the first time he ever spoke to Lilly, right after the car had crashed into him. Yet this time, the last thing he could remember was Mandros in the process of begging for his life.

"Are you alright," Dea asked, as she showed up behind him. She placed a hand on his shoulder once more.

"Well, I did just burn my own body to ash, I think, so I have been better."

Dea giggles, but as she noted Eli couldn't fully see the humour in it, she stopped.

"Last time I was up here," Eli started, "Lilly pulled my soul away from death just in time. There's no doubt you did the same, right?"

This time, Dea did finish her laugh. "I'm surprised you figured it out that quick."

"Wait, shit, really?!"

Eli wasn't sure if he should believe her or not. He was just joking. He never expected her to have actually saved him.

"I pulled both our souls out of that body moments before it expired to the fire," Dea explained. Mandros would not have been able to combat that force himself, so I'm fully certain he is gone. Death alongside that body. Not to mention his current body would have been too new for him to be able to cast another spell of reincarnation. Let alone that he could cast any type of spell or bending of reality while enduring that kind of pain."

"So uh..." Eli wasn't sure if it was weird to ask now. "What'll happen to me without a body?"

Dea shook her head. "You're already standing in it, silly. The same body with the same resistance to reality warping, but only my essence in it. None of Mandros left. A completely new body was the only way to make sure that would happen anyways. I know you can't see if right now, but I decided to let you keep your scar from the car accident. Though if you prefer, I could-"

"I'd like to keep it," Eli said immediately. "Thank you. I wanna be the person that Lilly knows."

Wait, Lilly... He would have to face her now after he almost killed himself.

"I'm glad you brought me up here first," Eli admitted. "So I can mentally prepare for facing Lilly's wrath."

"Let me know then, when you are ready to see her again. But don't wait too long. I used nearly the last of my energy to make that body for you. I'll only have moments to spare."

Eli stares into the setting sun for a few moments. "Alright, bring me to her."

With a blink of his eyes, the clouds disappeared, and he was back in the apartment himself and Lilly had been sharing. In front of him, with Kacey and the kitchen island, and Lilly and Alexander on the couch, were three stunned faces.


"I did it," Dea spoke, appearing next to Eli. "Can you confirm for me Mandros is gone?"

"He... He is. His presence finished and his soul shattered in the glass dome," Kacey stuttered as Lilly sprinted off the couch. Tears were flying off her face as she tackled Eli to the floor. She squeezed her arms around him and buried her face.

"You idiot," she cried. "I love you so much."

"I'm sorry," Eli whispered. But it was the only way to get rid of him for good."

"It really was," Dea confirmed, to Eli's surprise. But he was glad she did.

"I'm not angry," Lilly mumbled. "I'm just happy you're here.'

"What of you, Lady Dea," Kacey asked hesitantly. "I don't feel much of your power."

"I will cease to be soon," the goddess confirmed. "Before I do, I wanted to ask you to be the next goddess in my stead."

"But the earth has been doing fine without one," Kacey argued. "And I'm hardly-"

"It could be doing better, my beloved angel. And I'm sure you have better judgement than mine for selecting angels."

Kacey looked down and sighed.

"I'll join you," Alexander said. "I could use another job. And Lilly-"

"I will stay here," she yelled before anyone could say anything. "I want to be here with Eli."

"Fine," Kacey sighed again. "It's not like I have something better to do... And also, I will do my best to make everything up to you, Eli... And to make up for those I killed. But don't think I'm going soft because of it!"

She smacked Alexander in the back of the head, who was laughing at her.

"Thank you," Dea spoke as her body began to disappear. "I can finally rest easy."

"Thank you," Lacey and Alexander said together, followed by Kacey alone. "Thank you for raising me, my goddess."

The group stayed silent as Dea disappeared completely. This silence was broken by Kacey. "Alexander, let's see the state those heavens are in, if we want to act goddess and angel. And we can give these two some time alone."

With a snap or her fingers, and a smiling wave from Alexander, the pair disappeared, leaving Lilly and Eli alone.

"You better," Lilly whispered and she sat up a bit more and tightened her hug.

"Better what, my love," Eli asked as he played with her hair.

"You better cook me the tastiest burger in the world tonight."

"I will," Eli said. "A tasty burger with pickles for my little goddess."

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