Chapter fourteen

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There was something different about tonight out of all the others

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There was something different about tonight out of all the others. The moonlight was a bit more dull, and the wind seemed to ease up on the trees. It was incredibly silent in the forest, the loft was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Imani slept in Jungkook's bed. The right side of her cheek planted on the pillow as she snored softly although, Jungkook could hear everything down to her heartbeat. He watched her from the window, unable to sleep much himself. He had been thinking heavily on earlier and the question she had asked him.

Jungkook had an answer for all of her questions but he wasn't sure if she was ready to hear the truth just yet. There was so much holding him back from telling her. It took a lot of self control to ease up on showing his true form around her. She was still getting used to everything, and he tried to be understanding of her feelings.

But she made it so hard. With her stubborn attitude and her know it all nature. Sometimes Jungkook just wanted to say fuck it and dump everything on her, leaving her alone to figure it out by herself.

The human, emotional side of him wanted that. But the wolf side, the side that wanted to do nothing more than protect his luna couldn't allow it. Jungkook was torn.

In the midst of his thoughts about Imani, there was a long lived, almost completely inaudible tapping near the front of the loft. Jungkook could hear it and he was sure that if the zeta listened in hard enough he too would hear it. But due to everyone else being asleep they wouldn't care to mess with it. Jungkook knew exactly who this was.

Leaning up from the window, he takes one last look at Imani before walking out of the room. He carefully closes the door behind him, trying not to wake her up as he eases down the hallway. The living room portion of the loft is dimly lit. Jungkook watches only the door as he approaches it. He could smell who was on the other end. A small grin on his lips as he unlocked the door before opening it up.

"You made it safely." Jungkook bows respectfully to the elder. Although he was the leader of the pack, he still had that level of respect for those older than him.

"Of course I did." His life long friend shrugged, plucking the small piece of bark wood from his teeth and flicking it behind him. He stood up straight from the doorframe, lifting his duffle from the ground and carelessly pushing himself in past the alpha.

"You can atleast speak." Jungkook muttered.

"I'm sorry kid. Got a lot on my mind." The older friend sighed and placed his duffle down on the couch. Jungkook closed and locked the door.

"Hey. How was everything while I was gone?"

"It's been pretty fucking messy actually." Jungkook said honestly, running his hand down his face. Yoongi smirked, sniffing the air.

"You met her?" He asked.

Something about that smirk told Jungkook that Yoongi already knew the answer to that question. The alpha turned up his lip, looking off to the side. Yoongi chuckled.

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