The Betrayal

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Kiana smiled as she woke up with Mei in her arms. The white-haired goddess hummed as she waited for her beautiful girlfriend to wake up. Kiana frowned as Mei stayed asleep, and she got up and went to the bathroom. She came out and started to cook. Kiana was planning on proposing to Mei, and she hoped the girl would say yes. Kiana started to cook, and she went upstairs to greet Mei with breakfast in bed. Mei woke up, and she smiled as Kiana set the tray of food on her lap. "Happy anniversary, my love!" Kiana happily hummed.

"Thank you, Kiana!" Kiana frowned and shook her head.

"I'm going to take you out on a date later tonight! So make sure you look your best!" Kiana stripped her pajamas and put on daily wear. "I'll be going to prepare our best date ever." Kiana spoke happily. Mei smiled, and she nodded.

"Elysia said she wanted to learn to cook more." Mei hummed. Kiana froze, and she shook her head.

"That's fine! I know Mei-senpai won't ever cheat!" Kiana exclaimed. Mei froze, and she nodded quickly.

"Of course!" With that, Kiana ran out of the house. She almost forgot her keys, and she ran back in and grabbed them and her phone. Kiana sighed as she remembered that Mei had been distant. Which is why Kiana was going to make sure that they had the best date ever. She smiled as she got on the train. She braided her hair as she waited, and the train stopped. Kiana started to shop for rings, and she found a spot in the park for a picnic.

"This would be the perfect spot to propose to Mei-senpai." Kiana yelped as she bumped into someone. She saw a head of brown hair, and she apologized. The girl whined, and Kiana helped her up.

"Do you humans not watch your surroundings?" The girl hissed. Kiana figured she wasn't human by her slitted eyes.

"I'm sorry!" Kiana bowed.

"It's fine. I'm trying to find a meat shop." Kiana nodded and pointed the way. The girl ran after thanking the white-haired girl. Kiana started to shop for clothes and she saw a dress. The streets were filled with humans, elves, kitsunes, Nekos, demons, and inus. "I wonder what that girl was. She was pretty, and she seemed to avoid humans."

"Did you hear? The Dragon of the Nightmares has a cave nearby. Apparently, she's looking for a home."

"Dragon?" Kiana asked the elf. She nodded.

"It's rare for a dragon hybrid to come into large populous areas. So when one comes, especially one as powerful as the Nightmare dragon to come to our city. Poor thing's hometown was burned by the undead. She was considered their goddess since she protected it." Kiana frowned, and she knew what it was like.

"Anyway, what brings the Queen of Void to our establishment?"

"Ah! I'm buying this dress." Kiana paid for the dress. The elf happily took the money, and Kiana smiled. "I want to put it on to see how it looks."

"There's a dressing room over there." The elf pointed. Kiana nodded and ran to the dressing room. She changed, and she smiled at herself in the mirror. She came out, and the elf smiled. "Your significant other is very lucky to have you. You're stunning to look" The elf hummed. She picked out a pair of white heeled boots. "You're our 1,000th customer. I wanted to see what you would like with the dress before I picked out a free pair of heels."

"Ah! No need, I can pay for it!"

"I insist!" The elf replied. She wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Can I at least pay half the price?" Kiana asked.

"A third of the price." The elf sighed. Kiana paid the elf, and she smirked. "I should do your hair. I'm now on break!" Kiana yelped as the elf dragged her down the hallway.


"There, now you're even more beautiful." The elf hummed.

"Thank you." Kiana bowed. She looked at the time and smiled. The elf smiled at her. "Here. I don't think you get paid enough." The elf yelped as Kiana shoved a bag of heavy metal. "I have no use for them. I can make more of them. Use them for a crown or sell them." Kiana hummed as she left. The elf stared open mouthed at the gold metal in her hand. These were void metal and were really rare. Especially since elves used to use them for crafting jewelry. The elf watched the goddess running away, and she smiled softly. Kiana ran towards her house, and she was ready to take Mei out. She saw Elysia's car, and she frowned. It was four in the afternoon. Kiana shrugged, and she stopped at the door. She had a bad feeling and she frowned. Kiana unlocked the door, and she saw Elysia's shoes. Kiana felt dizzy and sluggish as she didn't smell burnt cooking. She didn't smell anything. So why was Elysia still here? Was she helping Mei get ready? Kiana walked up the stairs, and her heart clenched at the sounds coming from her room. Kiana walked slowly, and she opened the door. Her eyes widened, and her heart shattered at the sight. "Mei-senpai?" Kiana's voice broke. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Mei and Elysia ripped apart.

"Kiana!?" Mei's eyes widened. "It's not what it looks like!"

"How long?" Kiana clenched her fists.

"It was an accident."

"Don't lie to me!"

"Dear Mei, we've been fucking for months." Kiana backed up and she ran out the house. Mei saw the box fall and she opened it. Mei gasped and she frowned.

"Stupid Mei!" Kiana kept running as the tears fell. It started to rain and Kiana ducked inside a cave. She started to sob and she soon heard a menacing snarl.

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