Babies and Baths

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Kiana woke up in Serenity's arms. The dragon was asleep in the bed. Kiana got up and put a shirt and a pair of panties on. She walked out to the bathroom and saw Mei and Elysia asleep. Kiana went to the bathroom, and she flushed the toilet. She opened the door and saw Elysia. The elf blushed as she remembered what she heard last night. She let the elf in the bathroom, and she went back to her room. Serenity was still asleep, and Kiana smirked. The goddess started to kiss her neck, and the dragon moaned softly. Kiana kissed down her stomach, and she moved Serenity's legs. Kiana hummed as she pulled her panties off her legs. "Are you trying to have fun while I'm asleep?"

"No." Kiana moved over her and kissed her.

"Then what were you doing?" Serenity asked.

"I was just waking you up."

"Is that so, Treasure?" Serenity sat up, and she was in Kiana's lap.

"Yes." Kiana kissed her, and she pulled away when she felt the dragon stiffen in her lap. "Are you ok?"

"My hoard." Serenity got off the bed, and she went toward the door. Kiana followed her, and she was confused. That's when she saw Serenity about to lunge at Mei. The door to Serenity's hoard was open, and Kiana knew what happened. The goddess quickly wrapped her arms around the dragon's waist.

"Serenity! I'm sure it was an accident!" Kiana yelled out.

"I'm sorry! I was looking for the bathroom!" Mei apologized. She closed the door and backed away. Serenity went into the room and closed the door.

"I'm sorry." Kiana whispered. "The bathroom is right there."

"It's my fault." Mei said as she opened the door to the bathroom. Kiana went into the room, and she saw more things in the room. Kiana examined the gold and silver Serenity had in a pile.

"I didn't hurt her, did I?" Serenity asked.

"No. She was just startled." Kiana hummed as she picked up the blue sapphires that Serenity had.

"My hoard is almost complete." Serenity hummed.

"So you do have gold and jewels like other dragons."

"Of course." Serenity snapped, feeling insulted.

"I'm sorry." Kiana giggled. "Who knew the big bad dragon got insulted."

"If you weren't my mate, I'd kill you." Serenity retorted.

"Oh?" The door opened, and Elysia came in. "Would you like more treasure?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have a bunch of amethysts I have no need for. Elves tend to give their jewels to dragons."

"Hmm." Serenity hummed. "That is true. I'll take it as compensation."

"Compensation for what?" Elysia asked.

"Compensation for you about to go into labor." Serenity stated. "Take a step out of the room first, though." Elysia took a step out, and water splashed on the floor. Serenity ushered Kiana out and closed the door behind her. "Come along, Little Elf." Elysia panted heavily, and she cried out in pain.

"What's going on?"

"Elysia is going into labor!" Kiana hissed.

"We need to get her to the hospital."

"There's no time." Serenity ushered Elysia to the recliner. "Luckily for you, I have experience in delivering children." Serenity hummed. "Elysia, are you pregnant with twins?"


"Good, this makes it easier."


"Because I had a set of twins, and I almost killed my mate. Now, do you trust me?"

"Yes?" Elysia yelped as Serenity moved her legs.

"You owe me a new recliner." Kiana whined.

"I'll get you a recliner!" Mei hissed.

"Elysia, I need you to push." Serenity ordered. The elf pushed and screamed in pain. Mei hurried to her side, and Kiana went to get warm water and towels and blankets. They had gone over what they needed and bought the necessary tools for when Serenity went into labor. "C'mon Elysia!"

"I'm trying!"

"It hurts, I know, but I need you to push!" Serenity snapped back. She saw the head, and she held it softly. "One more push!" Elysia screamed, and there was the sound of a baby's cry. Elysia panted as Serenity held the baby.

"My baby?"

"He's breathing." Serenity hummed as she gently washed the baby. She swaddled it and gave it to Elysia, who smiled, and Serenity went to take a shower. Kiana followed her, and Mei smiled softly at the baby.


"I'm cleaning myself off." Serenity hummed as she washed the fluids off her arms. "Elysia was already dilated, and the baby was on the way." Kiana hummed as she sat on the toilet. The shower went off, and Serenity came out. She went to the bedroom, and Kiana noticed the scar on her back.

"It's a scar now."

"I'm fine." Serenity hummed as she got dressed. "Elysia will want a bath." The two left, and Mei was holding the baby. Serenity went to the kitchen, and she started to brew some tea for Elysia.

"Serenity?" Elysia hummed.


"I called one of my elf friends to bring my amethysts over." Serenity hummed as she poured a cup of tea. "Also, I'm sorry we cock-blocked you."

"You didn't." Serenity hummed.

"We know." Elysia's face went red as she remembered the noises from last night.

"I'm a dragon. You can't cock-block me." Serenity hummed as she gave Elysia the cup. "Drink this. It's herbal tea for you." Elysia smiled and Kiana came back out of the bathroom. Her white hair was damp and Serenity sighed. "Kiana! You're dripping water everywhere!"

"I'm getting a towel!" Kiana yelled as she grabbed the towel. Serenity growled at her and Kiana put her hair up.

"You'll want to take a shower rather than a bath." Serenity hummed as she went to her room. Kiana followed and she watched the dragon strip herself of her clothes. She giggled as Serenity face-planted into the bed.

"You're not going to eat breakfast?" Kiana asked.

"No." Serenity whispered. "I'm tired." The dragon curled up and soon fell asleep. Kiana sighed and she left, closing the door. She went to help with breakfast letting Serenity fall asleep.

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