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Serenity was wheeled to where her daughter was in the NICU. She looked at the child, and she was confused. "Ah, Miss Fujakante, your child seems to have vitiligo." Serenity frowned, and she stared at the white-haired  baby who had pale skin and slightly darker skin.

"Most Dragon Harchilings will have vitiligo from their scales. But they don't develop that unless they are toddlers. It's very rare for a hybrid to have vitiligo." Serenity frowned. She shrugged, and the child giggled happily as she saw her mothers forked tongue.

"You have a forked tongue?" Kiana started to think some very dirty thoughts.

"My tongue is a lot hotter than a males. You'd be set on fire." Serenity hummed, and Kiana fell back into the chair. She smiled at the kid.

"Mei and Elysia have left, and Mom is keeping the house in check and clean. I think she's taking this baby more seriously than us." Serenity hummed, and she watched as her daughter gripped her finger.

"She's strong enough to go home." Serenity stared at the child, and Kiana was a little worried about how the dragon would react if the nurse would come look at her. There was a yelp and a growl, and the nurse took a step back. Apparently, the goddess was right about the dragon. Serenity huffed as she leaned back in the wheelchair.

"You're right. You two are getting discharged today."

"Thank the Nightmare Realm." Serenity hummed. She hated being stuck in this stupid gown and this stupid hospital. She stood up, and Kiana was worried.

"You shouldn't be standing up!"

"I have high-speed regeneration. The only reason why it was slow was because Makato was developing." Serenity picked the hatchling up who giggled happily and tried to crawl over her mom's head.

"She's as hyper as Albion."

"Wait till we have to teach her how to fly." Serenity groaned. Makato sneezed, and green flames came out of her mouth. "And I'm going to give to take cate of her more than Kiana till she can learn how to control her flames."

"Really?" Kiana pouted.

"I don't want to risk losing my mate over mine or Makato's flames." Serenity hummed as the child crawled up to her head. Kiana watched, and she shrugged. Due to the fact that her daughter had draconic features, she was a lot stronger than a human. Serenity pulled the child off her head and handed it to Kiana.


"She's so cute!" Cecila cooed over Makato, who was trying to crawl all over her mother once again. Serenity was sitting in her half dragon form, and Makoto was giggling at Albion, who was trying to play with Serenity's tail. The white dragon had scales, and Kiana hummed.

"Isn't Albion from that anime?" Sirin asked. "The one where the MC powers up from titties?"

"Yes, but Albion also means White Land in Latin." Serenity hummed as she watched the two hatchling play around. She yawned and curled up in the nest and fell asleep. Kiana smiled softly as she watched the two younger dragon hatchlings fall asleep to their mother's purring. Kiana's stomach started to growl, and she went to find some cereal. She found some off brand chocolate lucky charms. She poured the cereal in first and jumped as a hand took the bag of cereal. Serenity was awake, and she started to watch th cereal from the bag. She went back to the nest and started to eat the cereal, and Kiana sighed. She poured milk into the bowl and sat next to the nest and ate the cereal. Cecilia and Sirin were staying a few weeks to help Kiana with the child, so Serenity can rest properly. The dragon had fallen back asleep after making sure she had food in her stomach. Sirin was reading a book about dragon hatchlings and what they ate while Ceceila was reading about half dragon hatchlings.

"We're going to have to get another blender." Cecilia gagged as she read that they would have to make a meat milkshake for her granddaughter. Kiana nodded as Serenity had told her on the way home. "Me and Sirin will go buy a decent blender."

"Ok." Kiana spoke, and she watched the two leave. The goddess sighed as she finished her bowl. She cleaned her bowl and started to find fruit and veggies to make a smoothie for Serenity. The dragon woke up at the sound of a blender, and she moved a wing over Makato, who was sleeping. Serenity yawned and stretched like a cat. Albion curled up tighter around Makato. The dragon got up, and she sat down. She stretched, and her shirt lifted up and sat down at the table. Kiana set the smoothie down, and Serenity drank it.

"This is so good." Serenity purred, and she woke up all the way. Her entire body was sore, and she sighed softly.

"What is it?"

"My body hurts." Serenity groaned.

"Take a bath then." Kiana hummed as she continued to clean the dishes.

"It's not that easy. The tub isn't big enough for this form, and it's my wings that are hurting." Serenity sighed, and she watched Kiana come up behind her.

"Are you hurting where they are attached to your body?" Kiana asked.

"Yeah." Serenity huffed out. She sighed in relief when Kiana started to massage the area. "Mmm, you're a life saver." The dragon purred as she rested her head. "I'm not used to sleeping in this form often." Serenity hummed as she absentmindly played with the toy car that was on the countertop. Her wings were feeling better, and she sat up. "I'm going to invest in a hot tub. Specifically for this reason."

"I think we still have enough money for one to get installed." Kiana hummed. Serenity stood up quickly, her wings knocking Kiana over. The goddess yelped and landed on her ass. She sighed as she watched her dragon lover rush to her hoard room. She followed, staying out of the room, and she watched Serenity go through a box. There was a cry, and Kiana went to go check on her daughter. Makato was awake, and she was crying. As soon as Kiana picked her up, she giggled. Since Makato was a half-dragon hatchling, she would develop a lot faster than most. Kiana carried the child to where Serenity was, and there was a growl.

"Do not bring her in here." Serenity hissed.

"It's your daughter." Kiana hummed.

"I'm well aware of that. But she is a child, and she will put things in her mouth." The dragon growled, and Kiana nodded. She carried her to the nursery. She set Makato in the nest that was in crib. She jumped when she turned around.

"Stop sneaking up on me!" Kiana hissed, and Serenity stared at her. The dragon was unusually silent. The goddess took a step back out of fear, and she yelped at the menacing smirk on Serenity's face.

"Ne, are you scared?" The dragon giggled.

"No." Kiana yelped, and the dragon stared at her.

"Someone's going to die." Serenity had a very deadly look on her face.

"Really? Why?" Kiana asked.

"Someone has been in my hoard." The dragon growled.

"Anyone we know?" The goddess asked.

"No. But I'm going to fund the culprit and rip them apart." Serenity growled, and Kiana watched the dragon disappear in flames.

"Wow. Dragons really get pissed when their hoard is touched." Kiana hummed as she went back into the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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