The Dragon

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There was a snarl and she froze as she saw blue eyes glow and she saw green fire. She wandered right into a dragon's cave. "Who dares disturb me while I sleep?" The dragon stepped out, and the goddess noticed it was a hybrid. She was beautiful.

"What pretty wings you have!" The goddess spoke quickly. The dragon girl froze at the compliment. "Please don't eat me!"

"You're the human I ran into at the park." The girl hissed.

"You're really pretty!" Kiana yelped. The dragon looked past her, and Kiana turned around. It was storming now, and Kiana sighed and turned around. "You're not going to eat me?" The dragon shook her head and ventured closer. There was the sound of lightning hitting something, and a tree slammed in front of the cave. Kiana screamed and jumped forward. Something wrapped around her waist, and Kiana noticed a tail.

"You were escaping the storm?" The girl asked.

"Yes." Kiana moved away, and the dragon moved deeper into the cave.

"Are you going to just stand there?" The girl asked as she stopped

"No. I'll come along." Kiana rushed down towards the dragon. "You're the queen of the Nightmares."

"Serenity Fujakante." The dragon hummed. Kiana looked up, and she saw a quaint little house deeper in the cave.

"There's a house in the cave!?"

"It's quite rude to not introduce yourself."

"Ah! I'm Kiana Kaslana."

"The goddess?" Serenity hummed.


"I see. You've been crying." She opened the door, and Kiana stepped in. She took off her shoes.

"I haven't been crying!"

"Your wailing woke me up." Serenity hissed. Kiana went silent, and she wiped her face.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't need your story. You can stay here until the storm stops." Serenity moved towards a door, and she opened it. She came back out with a shirt and tossed it at her. "I'll be back. Get changed." Serenity left, and Kiana took her dress off. She put the shirt on and realized that it barely covered her thighs. Kiana sat down, and she put a pillow on her lap. The door opened, and Kiana screamed at the black shape. "Do you always scream?" Serenity hissed. She removed her cloak, and Kiana noticed the horns on her head. Serenity put wood in the fireplace, and Kiana backed up as she breathed fire onto the wood. Green flames flickered and came to life, and Kiana moved closer to the flames. Serenity got up, and she went to her room. She found a pair of shorts and came back out. "Here." Serenity tossed them towards Kiana. Kiana put them on, and Serenity turned around. She went outside with a pot and carried it inside. She grabbed a rag and started to wipe Kiana's face.

"What are you doing!?"

"Cleaning your face. You have black streaks running down your face." Serenity finished and went back outside. Kiana felt embarrassed, and she heard Serenity come back in. Serenity grabbed a few fish and shoved them on what looked like metal sticks. She set them over the fire, and she crouched.

"Thank you."

"Want to explain why you were in my cave?" Serenity asked.

"My girlfriend cheated on me."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I was too in love and was happy to see the signs." Kiana sighed.

"Dragons don't cheat. We mate for life. Sometimes our mates die and we try to find another one."

"Did your mate die?" Kiana asked.

"He was killed when the undead came. He was protecting our children."


"You think I lay eggs!?"

"Dragons lay eggs!"

"I'm half dragon." Serenity scoffed.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Serenity hummed. She checked on the fish and handed Kiana one. Kiana ate it, and Serenity started to chow down.

"This is good!"

"My mate was an incubus, so I had to learn to cook because he can't eat raw meat." Serenity hummed as she continued to eat.

"I see." Kiana yawned, and Serenity got up.

"You can sleep in my room." Serenity hummed. "I'm not going to sleep tonight anyway. I need to go outside anyway."

"Why?" Serenity led her to the door.

"There is a monster out there. You're lucky it didn't kill you. I need to guard the cave. This is my living quarters until I can get a house out. I saw one and it's for sale. The woman there said I could have it if I couldn't kill the monster."

"How big?"

"It's a fast elusive son of a bitch. I'm hoping your wailing didn't lead it here." Serenity hissed. Kiana went to go out the door but Serenity gripped her wrist. "You need rest." Serenity hissed. "I don't have much because it's just furs." Serenity opened the door and herded her towards the bed of furs. "I shall protect you while you sleep." With that the dragon disappeared. Kiana sat on the bed and she started to cry. She took her hair down and she held her knees as she laid down. Kiana smelled the scent of strawberries and cherry blossoms. There was a small smell of wood and cave musk but Kiana buried herself deeper in the furs. She sobbed as she realized that Mei betrayed her trust and shattered her heart. Kiana's eyes closed and she fell asleep. Serenity hummed as she moved away from the bedroom door. She went outside and let her wings stretch and her tail thrashed behind her. Serenity sat at the mouth of the cave and she heard the roar of the monster. Serenity smirked and she summoned her scythe. She quickly ran toward the roar and she jumped into a tree. Her eyes zeroed in on the sight of the monster eating a deer. Green flames encased her scythe blade and she quickly jumped and attacked the monster. She went flying backwards as it reared its ugly head and she screamed as she attacked it. The monster slashed at her and she screamed. Her scythe made contact with its skin slashing it in half. Serenity panted as she sat against the tree.

A Dragon And A GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now