The House

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Kiana woke up covered with something. She felt something leathery on her body. She briefly moved against the warm body, and a hiss sounded in her ear. She sat up and heard a groan. Kiana stood up, and her stomach growled. She whined and went to see if there was any fish left. She saw a note and she frowned when she saw the blood on the floor. Kiana cooked herself some fish over the fire, and she decided that she would protect Serenity until she woke up. Kiana went outside and squatted over a bush. She peed, and she came back inside. Her face went red as she saw a naked Serenity. The dragon hummed as she waved and pulled a pair of boy shorts on. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine." Kiana looked away as she undid her bandages. Kiana heard another hiss, and she snuck a peek. She blushed scarlet as she saw Serenity's back muscles. She squeaked as the dragon turned around. "Do you always stare at girls who are stripping?" Serenity asked. Kiana froze, and the dragon smirked. She moved towards Kiana, who shivered. "Help me with these bandages." Serenity hummed. Kiana nodded, and she frowned when she noticed the three long scratches going down her stomach.

"What happened!?"

"I'm fine. It's just scratches. Are you staying for a while, or are you going home?"

"I'll stay a while." Kiana hummed as she bandaged the girls' torso.

"Good than you can come help me verify that I killed that monster." Serenity went to her room and came out with two yukatas. "Here. It might be a little too small with your chest being bigger than mine. I need to buy more clothes."

"I need to get mine." They both got dressed.

"Well, come along, little goddess." The dragon hummed as she took her hand. Kiana blushed, and she shook her head. She was still hurting over Mei, betraying her. She didn't want to get too attached to Serenity. The dragon led the goddess out of her cave, and Kiana's eyes widened at the sight of the dead monster.

"You killed that all by yourself?"

"Yes. I wish I had a way to have proof, but I guess she'll believe two of us."

"I have a phone."

"A phone?" Serenity asked as she saw Kiana pulled out a rectangular device.

"These are the new ones. They're touch screen and you can play games on it." Serenity heard the familiar click of a camera, and she looked in awe at the picture on the screen.

"It's has a camera?" Serenity asked. Kiana nodded, and she put her phone in her purse. "Humans are intelligent creatures."



"I can't believe you killed it." A red-haired woman came out, and Kiana's eyes widened.



"You two know each other?" Serenity asked.

"Yes. She's my aunt. We were part of the same squad."

"Why are you with Serenity? Are you cheating on Mei?" Kiana sniffled. "Oh dear, what happened?"

"Is Mei the woman who cheated on you?" Serenity asked softly. Kiana nodded, and she tackled Himeko into a hug.

"Mei cheated?" Himeko asked.

"With Elysia." Himeko got angry.

"She ended up in my cave." Serenity squatted, and she cried out in pain. Himeko looked at the dragon worriedly.

"I see. You got injured?"

"It's nothing compared to before. You're moving out?" Serenity noticed the house was empty.

"Yes. I found a house that was fully furnished, and so I'm leaving some of the stuff for you." Serenity hummed as she nodded. "Kiana. I want you to help Serenity move into here."

"Alright." Kiana moved away, and Serenity wandered around the house as the two girls chatted. It was a nice house with four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. Serenity only noticed that three of the rooms were furnished and one was empty. Serenity frowned when she pictured a black haired child running past her. She could hear the laughing of her mate.

"Lady Fujakante?" A voice called to her. Serenity looked up and saw Himeko, who understood.

"I'm fine."

"I hope you'll be able to find another mate."

"I'm sure I will." Serenity snapped. Himeko knew she didn't mean snap at her, so she beckoned the girl over, and Serenity followed.


"I'm fine, Kiana."

"You're crying."

"Just a memory." Serenity took the cup of tea and drank it.


"You don't have much stuff." Kiana hummed as she helped Serenity put boxes in the cart.

"That's because most of it burned." Serenity hissed. She carefully wrapped a picture frame in cloth, and Kiana had seen a black haired boy smiling.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Serenity hummed. They finished packing, and Serenity snapped her fingers, making the house disappear.


"My magic can make a temporary living area until I can find a permanent spot." The dragon hummed as she pulled on the cart. Kiana walked next to her and kept an eye out. "Do you need clothes?"

"Yes, but I don't want to go home."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to face Mei alone yet."

"I can go with you."

"You would do that?" The dragon nodded, and they made it to the house. Serenity started to carry boxes, and Kiana helped. Serenity unpacked the boxes. The dragon put the picture on the fireplace. Kiana came up and noticed the picture. Serenity was smiling happily in the photo, and there were two children smiling and laughing. She saw a back haired boy with green eyes hugging the children.

"That's Nora. He was my mate. The two kids are Keanu and Nykki. They were four." Serenity let out a squeak as Kiana hugged her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's in the past." Serenity hummed as she moved away. "I was thirteen anyway." Serenity said as she started to unpack the furs. She set them in front of the fireplace, and she smiled softly at the picture.

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