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Serenity stretched as she got up from the bed. Kiana whined, and she curled up. The dragon went to the bathroom, and she groaned as she started her period. She hummed as she came back out. She'd have to go to the store. She checked on Kiana, and the dragon frowned. The goddess was burning up, and Serenity started to get worried. She quickly went to the store and she stood at the medicine area. She looked over the medicine, and the dragon was entirely confused. With that, she started to throw different medicines into the cart. A woman came up and noticed the dragon getting irritated. "Are you ok?"

"No. My mate is sick and I don't know what to give her." Serenity hissed, and sparks flew from her mouth.

"Let me help." The woman hummed. Serenity noticed a beautiful pink haired elf. She saw Mei, and both girls frowned. "I'm sorry. Do you two know each other?"

"Yeah. This is the woman who hurt my mate."

"I'm sorry!" Mei got on the floor. "Please forgive me for attacking you." Serenity sighed, and Mei got up. "Is Kiana sick?"

"Yes. She has a fever." Serenity frowned, and the elf hummed. She took out most of the medicine. She put a few fever reducers in.

"I'm Elysia." Serenity's eyes widened. Elysia was the one who Mei cheated with.

"Actually, I don't need your help." Serenity moved past them. She went to the soup aisle and groaned as Mei followed.

"Will you keep Kiana safe? We're moving." Mei whispered.

"Dragons mate for life."

"Alright." Mei grabbed a can. "Kiana can be quite a baby when she's sick. She also doesn't like to take her medicine."

"I had kids. I know how to make them eat medicine."

"Does Kiana know?"

"Yes. They perished in a fire along with my mate. Unfortunately, they were half incubus." Serenity hummed.

"Kiana hates chicken noodle soup, but she likes chicken and rice."

"Why did you do it?" Serenity asked.

"I don't know." Mei bowed to Serenity and left. The dragon hummed as she went to the chocolate aisle. Her tail wagged as she noticed all the different types of chocolate. She went on a snack raid and smiled happily at her assortment of snacks. She went to the feminine aisle and bought both pads and tampons. She went to check out, and the cashier looked both terrified and amazed at Serenity.

"Never seen a dragon before?" Serenity snapped. The cashier yelped, and she shook her head. "I'm sorry. I normally keep my features hidden."

"Your weally pwetty." Serenity yelped as something pulled on her wing. She looked down and saw a child. He had to be no more than five. Serenity crouched down to inspect the kid closer, and he yanked on her horns.

"Kazhua!" A woman scolded the child. "I am so sorry!" The woman bowed, and Serenity waved her off.

"It's fine." Serenity paid for her groceries.

"Please let me drive you home. It's the least I can do." Serenity sighed, and she accepted the offer.


"I'm sorry my son yanked on your horns." The woman apologized again. "I'm Mitsui."

"He's just a child, so he's not that strong to hurt them." Serenity hummed. Kazhua was playing with her tail, and he was squealing. "He's a cute kid."

"When he wants to be." The woman sighed.

"This is my stop." The woman pulled into the driveway, and Serenity stepped out. She carried the groceries inside and paid the woman.

"Oh, I can't accept this."

"Please take it." Serenity hummed. The woman sighed and nodded. She bowed and left. Serenity watched the child pout, and she went inside. She made soup and went to Kiana, who was sitting up.

"Who was here?"

"A mother drove me home." Serenity hummed as she fed Kiana the soup. Kiana took her medicine, and she noticed Serenity frowning.

"What is it?"

"I saw Mei and Elysia at the store."

"Are you hurt?"

"No. They're moving." Kiana frowned, and Serenity laid her back down. She grabbed a bowl of ice water and set a rag on Kiamas head. "Please rest."

"Will you stay in the room?"

"After I change pads." Serenity hummed. She went to the bathroom and came back out. She climbed into the bed and pulled Kiana close.

"What if you get sick?"

"We don't get sick easily." Serenity whispered.

"Ok." Kiana fell asleep, and Serenity hummed softly. She soon fell asleep.


Serenity woke up to Kiana missing. The dragon started to panic, and she looked everywhere for her goddess. She sighed when Kiana was in the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around Kiamas waist. "You weren't in bed."

"Ah. I'm feeling better so I decided to make you dinner." Kiana hummed. Serenity nodded, and she moved away. The dragon made a cup of tea, and she stirred sugar in it. Serenity hummed as she drank her tea. Kiana finished cooking and set plates. They finished eating, and Serenity started to wash the dishes. The goddess frowned when she heard a thud. She ran to the kitchen and saw Serenity on the floor. She was panting heavily, and scales crawled up her face. Kiana picked the dragon up and set her in the bed. She frowned and looked through her book. She found out that female dragon's body temperature gets hotter when they have a fever. Kiana hummed and went to go get ice water. She started to cool Serenity's body off with a rag. The dragon whined, and the goddess frowned. She went to the bathroom and started to make an ice bath. She picked up Serenity and set her in it. Steam started to billow the room, and Kiana had to open the door. She frowned and found medicine. Serenity woke up briefly to down the entire bottle of medicine and passed back out. Kiana frowned as she went to get more ice. She sent a text to her mom asking to bring enough ice to fill a room. Cecilia asked why, and Kiana told her that she needed to cool Serenity down before she erupted into flames and burnt the house down.

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