Hearts Are Breaking

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A month later, Kiana woke up, and she smiled. Serenity was asleep, and Kiana decided to do something for the dragon. She got up and got dressed. Kiana happily went to the kitchen, and she frowned. She would have to go to the store. Kiana walked to the store and she went to buy ingredients. She would make pizza toast, and she needed the ingredients for it. "Kiana?" Kiana turned around and saw Bronya and Seele. She smiled at them, and Bronya hugged her.

"Bronya heard what Mei did." The gray-haired woman spoke. Kiana nodded, and she moved away.

"Don't worry, Bronya, I found someone else." Kiana smiled.

"We should meet her." Seele smiled.

"Kiana!?" A voice yelled worriedly. Kiana yelped as something tackled her.

"Serenity!?" Kiana yelped as she felt a familiar set of horns against her breasts. That's when she realized that she never told Serenity that she was going to the store. "Shit. I'm sorry, Serenity!" Kiana pulled the dragon closer. She breathed in the goddess's scent. "I didn't want to wake you up, and I wanted to do something for you." Kiana whispered.

"It's fine. I had a nightmare, and you were missing. I thought I was alone all over again." Serenity moved away, and Kiana saw the tear streaks. "Your scent was still in the nest, and I followed your scent to the store."

"Kiana?" A voice whispered. They looked and saw Elysia and Mei.

"Mei." Kiana hissed. She saw the bump on Elysia's stomach.

"You're pregnant?" Serenity asked the pink elf. Kiana's eyes widened, and her heart broke.

"Seven months, to be exact." Elysia hummed.

"You've been fucking her for seven months!?" Kiana screamed. Bronya and Seele quickly grabbed the goddess before she actually killed Mei.

"Are you friends with Kiana?" Serenity asked the two girls. They nodded and Serenity sighed.

"Yes. I'm Seele."

"I'm going to call Sirin for help."

"Kiana?" Serenity looked and saw Sirin and Cecila. Sirin saw Mei and Elysia and saw the bump. With that Cecilia had to stop Sirin from killing Mei.

"Enough!" Serenity snarled. Kiana and Sirin stopped. Vines wrapped around Kiana and Sirin. "Kiana I know that you are hurting and Sirin I know that Mei hurt your sister. But let's not hurt Elysia. She is pregnant, Kiana. Alright let's calm down. You wouldn't want our child to be hurt would you?

"What?!" Everyone screamed in shock.

"You're pregnant?" Kiana whispered.

"I think." Serenity said. "It's been a month. But I've been craving fresh meat and I should be on my period but I'm not."

"I see." Mei whispered. She took a step towards Kiana but Cecila stepped up.

"I will not allow you to take another step towards my daughter."

"Kiana." Elysia stepped up towards her. "Since Mei won't tell you the truth I will."


"Mei and I have been together for a year and a half now. She kept telling me that she would break it off with you."

"What?" Serenity took a step forward and she growled.

"Did you know about the fact that she was two-timing you?" Elysia shook her head and she sighed. She felt really bad for Kiana.

"I'm sorry Kiana. I would have broken up with her but I found out I was pregnant."

"It's fine." Kiana whispered. "Serenity?"

"What is it, Treasure?"

"Can we go home?" Serenity let the two down and she and Kiana left. Cecilia kept a hand on Sirin's shoulder and she sighed.

"Bronya and Seele want to see Kiana soon." Bronya told Cecilia.

"We're having a cookout to celebrate Serenity and Kiana." Sirin hummed. "We were actually looking for you."


"Please don't leave me." The goddess whispered, her eyes watering as the girl in front of her got on her knees.

"I love you forever, my treasure." The Dragon hummed as she laid her head on the girl's lap. Her wings resting against her back. Kiana played with her horns as the tears continued to fall. Kiana was heartbroken and Serenity didn't blame her. The entire time that Mei didn't want kids she got Elysia pregnant. Kiana thought it was her fault that Mei cheated but finding out from Elysia that Mei was cheating on her for a year and half.

"It hurts." Kiana cried.

"I know." Serenity whispered. Kiana smiled softly and she gripped Serenity's horns. She moved the dragon's head up and kissed her. Serenity kissed back and her wings came out. She pulled away and picked Kiana up who yelped. Serenity quickly went outside and to the clearing. She set the goddess down and took a step back. Kiana blinked and she saw Serenity in her full form. Kiana came closer and hugged the dragon around her neck. Serenity purred and Kiana got on her back.

"Let's take a ride away from here. Take me to your favorite place." Serenity flapped her wings and she took off. Kiana held the dragon's neck as the tears continued to fall. She knew that Serenity was trying her best. She closed her eyes and she opened them when she felt the dragon land on the ground. Kiana looked at the sight in front of her. A small lake surrounded by cherry blossom trees stood in front of her. Kiana's eyes widened.

"Do you like it?" Serenity asked. Kiana nodded and Serenity smiled softly. She held Kiana's hand. "This was a special place." Serenity smiled. "This is where I was going to marry my mate." Serenity hummed. "This is where I met Nora. So I buried him and our kids here." Serenity showed Kiana a spot under a tree with roses and vines covering. "I had Keanu and Nykki a week before I turned 13. They were accidents but we were so happy." Kiana smiled at her. "They would have been five if they didn't die." Serenity frowned and she stood up. "But that was a year and a half ago. But Nora told me to find a mate quickly or he was going to haunt me." Serenity laughed. "The kids would have loved you."

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