Cock-blocking Fathers

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It's been a month, and Kiana was anxious. She would see her father for the first time in 7 years. The goddess sighed and opened the bathroom door. Serenity was relaxing in the tub, and Kiana blushed. She saw the rise of her chest, and she looked down the dragon's stomach, and she blushed harder. Her eyes followed the curve of her legs. "Are you going to keep staring, or are you going to join?" Serenity opened her eyes and looked at Kiana. The goddess squeaked in embarrassment, and Serenity got up. She moved towards Kiana, and the goddess backed up against the wall.


"Do you like what you see, Kiana?" Serenity hummed as she pressed her naked body against Kiana's. The dragon smirked when she felt the white-haired goddess's excitement. "It seems you do." Kiana whimpered as Serenity moved away. "We have reached far enough in the courting for sex." It was true, Serenity had reached the point where they could start having sex. It went by smoothly, especially with Kiana returning her affections. Kiana stripped her clothes, and she got in the tub with Serenity. The goddess watched the dragon lay back, and she moved forward. Serenity let out a moan as Kiana kissed her neck. Kiana was going to fuck her dragon and nothing was going to stop her. Serenity wrapped her legs around her waist. Kiana moved her fingers down her stomach and in-between her legs. Serenity moaned as her fingers entered her. Kiana moved her fingers faster and Serenity gripped the sides of the tub. She cummed with her back arching and Kiama cleaned them off. She moaned at the taste and Serenity sat up. She kissed Kiana and Kiana gripped her thighs. Serenity moaned as she felt Kiana positioning herself. "Kiana." Serenity moaned softly.

"Kiana!" The door slammed open and a white haired man came in. The dragon and goddess flew apart quickly. Serenity coughed up blood  as her back hit the faucet. Kiana noticed her father who looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Get the fuck out!" Kiana threw shampoo bottles at her father. Serenity gasped and Kiana got up and wrapped a towel around her torso. The goddess was furious with her father. She slammed the door open and marched to the living room. "You piece of shit." Kiana threw a pillow at her father. Sirin was laughing and Cecilia frowned. She went to check on Serenity and ran into the dragon coming out.

"Are you ok?" Cecilia asked. Serenity nodded as she grabbed a towel.

"You need to knock!"


"Don't Kiana me! You cock-blocking piece of shit!" Serenity came into the living room and Cecilia saw the bruise on her back.

"Come on!" The man took a step towards Kiana and stepped on the makeshift nest that Serenity had moved in front of the fireplace. That's when things took a turn for the worse. A bloodcurdling snarl echoed through the room and the man barely dodged the snapping of the dragon's jaws. Serenity was in her draconic form and she was pissed.

"Woah!" Sirin backed up.

"Serenity!?" Serenity wrapped her tail around Kiana and she hissed.

"Kiana! Tell Serenity that you are fine." Himeko hissed.


"Dragons protect their nest! Seigfreid accidentally stepped on the nest." With that Kiana understood immediately. She remembered asking the dragon what she was doing and she had said she was making a nest. She then asked if it was ok and Kiana said that it looked amazing.

"Serenity." The dragon hissed at Siegfried. "I'm ok. See?" Kiana hugged the dragon and Serenity turned back. She wrapped a wing around and kept Kiana close. She sat down in the nest and hissed at anyone who came close.

"Wow."  Siegfried yelped as Serenity shoved him backwards with her tail. Sirin started to laugh again and she came up with a gift bag for Kiana. Kiana took it and she looked inside it. She shrieked in embarrassment and Sirin started to laugh. Serenity looked in it and she pulled out  a leash and collar. Serenity didn't understand it entirely.

"Are we getting a pet?" Serenity asked. She checked the name tag and understood it. "Am I Kiana's pet?"

"Sirin Kaslana!" Cecilia hissed.

"Yeah. Pretty much." Sirin shrugged. Serenity only understood it partly and she shrugged. She kept her arm around Kiana.

"Siegfried." Cecelia started.


"Apologize." The woman hissed.


"You walked in on your daughter and her girlfriend."

"Mate." Serenity hissed.

"Apologize to Kiana and her mate!"



"On it." With that the red haired woman tackled the man and pinned his arms.


"Himeko will break your arm if you don't apologize."

"No she won't." Himeko broke his arm. "Ah! I'm sorry!"

"Hmmph." Kiana looked away.

"Didn't you leave her for seven years?" Serenity hissed.


Serenity hummed as she laid in her nest. Kiana came back and she laid in the nest. She pulled the dragon closer and Serenity happily took her in her arms. Kiana held Serenity and the dragon understood that the goddess needed to calm down. There was an argument about Siegfried leaving. Serenity had kicked everyone out of the house because Kiana was on the verge of a meltdown. The goddess needed to calm down and Serenity understood. "Do you want a drink?" Serenity asked.


"A drink. It helps calm the nerves." Kiana nodded and Serenity poured Kiana a shot of vodka. Kiana downed it and she smiled at Serenity. She had gone drinking with Mei and their friends so she knew how much she could drink. Serenity watched her down the entire bottle.

"I want to have sex with you." Kiana demanded.

"You're going to have to wait until you are sober."

"I'm not drunk!"

"Babe, you drank an entire bottle of vodka." The dragon deadpanned.

"Maybe I'm tipsy." Kiana's face was painted with a red blush. "You should have burned my dad to a crisp."

"Was he that bad?"

"No but he just up and left and hurt Mom really badly." Kiana whined as Serenity picked her up. The dragon carried the goddess to the living room to where her nest laid. She set her in the bed. "I'm going to fuck you tomorrow."

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