Sex with a Dragon

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Kiana woke up, and she groaned at the sunlight. Her head hurt, and she felt her dragon move closer to her. Serenity had sensed her mate's discomfort and moved a wing over Kiana. The goddess moved closer to her, and she smiled happily. "Good morning." Kiana hummed.

"Good morning, Treasure." Serenity buried her face in Kiana's breasts.


"A dragon's mate is her greatest treasure. Mmm, I should put you in my hoard room and keep you there." Kiana felt the dragon smirk against her skin, and she knew that she was teasing her.

"Are you going to lock me up?" Kiana asked seductively. Serenity smirked and quickly pinned the goddess down.

"Only if you beg for it." Serenity sat on Kiana's lap, and she could feel the bulge.

"What if I want to tie you up?" Kiana pulled her into a kiss.

"Do you want to tie me up?" Serenity asked against her lips.

"Sometime." Kiana gripped her thighs, and Serenity moaned softly. She sat up, and Serenity buried her face into her neck. She moaned as Kiana moved her hips. "Do you feel good?" Serenity whined, and Kiana kept moving her hips. Mei wasn't Kiana's first time with a girl. So Kiana knew where a girl's weak spot was. Serenity cried out as the friction on her clit was too much. She panted against her and Kiana moved her up and laid her down. The dragon wasn't wearing much clothing to begin with and Kiana pulled her panties off. Serenity whined as Kiana moved her thighs apart. The dragons back arched as she was still sensitive. Kiana moved her thighs over her shoulders and started eating Serenity out. She moaned at her taste and Serenity gripped Kiana's white hair.

"Kiana!" Serenity cummed and Kiana cleaned her up. The goddess moved up Serenity's body and Kiana gripped her thighs. "I want to make you feel good." Serenity whined.

"Not now. Later. Need to be inside you." Kiana hissed. Serenity cried out as she entered her. Kiana moaned and she waited for Serenity to adjust.

"Please wait." It was barely a whisper but Kiana heard it.

"I know." Kiana kissed her and Serenity smiled. She kissed her back and moved her hips. Kiana moaned and Serenity gasped. Kiana started to move slowly and Serenity moaned.

"Kiana." The dragon whined as Kiana moved faster. She started to moan and Kiana gasped at the tightness. Serenity scratched her back as she tightened her legs around her waist. The goddess moaned softly and she fucked her harder.

"So tight." Kiana hissed out. Serenity cried out and she cummed around Kiana.

"Kiana." Serenity whimpered.

"What is it?"

"Want your children." Serenity begged. Kiana remembered that the dragon was still in heat. Kiana always wanted to start a family but Mei didn't want to. Kiana tried for a surrogate if she was scared that the child would get the futa genes but Mei shot it down. Serenity wanted a family again and Kiana knew that Serenity was her soulmate. She nodded and kissed her. Serenity moaned as Kiana cummed deep inside her. The dragon whined against Kiana as the goddess pulled out.

"Turn around." Serenity got on her hands and knees and moaned when Kiana entered her.

"Kiana." She moaned out. Kiana saw Serenity's horns and leaned over her body. She could feel her tail wrap around her waist and Kiana moved a hand to her horns. Serenity cried out as she tightened when Kiana rubbed the base. "Sensitive!" Serenity whined. Her horns were sensitive when she was in heat. Kiana rubbed them gently, she knew that Serenity's horns would grow back but she still didn't want to break the horn off. Serenity whined as she panted. She cummed and her wings trembled. Kiana smirked as she continued to thrust through her high. "Please don't break them."

"I won't. I promise." Kiana kissed her throat and Serenity moaned. The goddess fucked her dragon harder and knew that this is what she wanted. She wanted to break Serenity. She wanted to make the powerful dragon submit to her. But she wanted to do it when she wasn't in heat. Serenity moaned as Kiana cummed deep inside her. Kiana pulled out and collapsed next to Serenity. The dragon panted as her legs trembled. Serenity wasn't done yet. She sat up and straddled Kiana. "Hmm?"

"What part of I want you to breed me do you not understand?" Serenity grabbed the gift bag and she put the collar on. Kiana blushed scarlet as Serenity handed her the leash. "I'm a Dragon. I can handle it, Kiana." Kiana tugged on the leash and she moaned.

"Ride me than pet." Serenity moaned softly as she slid down onto Kiana's cock. Kiana smirked as she kissed Serenity's breasts. She played with them and the dragon moaned as she moved her hips. Kiana moved her hands to the base of Serenity's wings and gripped them. Serenity cried out and she cummed. The goddess smirked and bit into her shoulder. Serenity leaned her head back as she felt immense pleasure. Kiana was fucking up into her and playing Serenity's wings at the same time. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Kiana moaned as Serenity kept moving. Her body was slowly heating up and Kiana moaned at the warmness of Serenity. She heard that dragons mate for life and sex was a vital part of their lives. But Kiana never knew that Dragons felt so good. Serenity was close to cumming. Kiana cummed and her eyes widened as Serenity's wings stretched. There was a loud cry as Serenity cummed hard. Kiana panted as Serenity stopped moving. Kiana pulled the leash towards her. The dragon's head was yanked forward. Kiana kissed her and Serenity whined against her. Serenity pulled off and she pulled Kiana towards the tub. Serenity turned the shower on and they both cleaned each other's bodies off.

"I love you so much." Serenity kissed Kiana's neck. She started to suck hickies on her neck. Kiana moaned softly and she allowed the dragon to mark her. Serenity pulled away and Kiana smiled softly at her.

"I love you too." Serenity smiled and kissed Kiana. They both finished cleaning themselves and went to the bedroom.

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