My Goddess

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Serenity hummed as she went to the kitchen. It's been a week, and the two girls decided to throw a barbeque. Kiana hummed as she kissed Serenity softly. "Hey Kiana?"

"It's eight inches." That is not what Serenity wanted to know.


"My dick."

"I don't want to know that." Serenity hissed. "Pervert."


"What do you want to name our kid?"

"I don't know?"

"I was thinking Xiao for a boy and Makoto for a girl."

"I like that." Kiana got on her knees and put her head against Serenity's stomach.

"Kiana. I'm not even showing yet."

"I know." Kiana pouted.

"Don't pout."Serenity kissed her goddess, and there was a knock on the door.

"Ah! They're here!" Kiana squealed. Kiana went to the front door, and Serenity ran to the bathroom. She threw up blood, and she frowned. There was a gasp, and Serenity saw Cecilia.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I guess the morning sickness is starting." Serenity wiped her mouth.

"But you're throwing up blood."

"It's normal." Serenity got up and flushed the toilet. She went out and went to the fridge. She found her emergency meat in the drawer and took it. "Alright. I will let you guys catch up, and I'll be back in twenty minutes."

"Are you ok?" Kiana asked.

"Yeah. I'm just going to eat this meat, and I don't think anyone wants to see me eat it." Serenity kissed her forehead and left. Kiana frowned and saw her mother come in.

"She'll be fine." Himeko hummed as she sat down.


"Pregnant dragons eat raw meat."

"I know."

"However, you will have a problem."

"What is it?"

"She's going to be really horny." Sirin hummed as she made a cup of tea. "It's an essential part for the baby."

"I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother!" Cecilia happily cooed.

"Mother!" Kiana hissed. Serenity came back, and she wiped her mouth..

"I'm back." Kiana kissed her, and she smiled.

"The grill is outside." Siegfried came in. "It's ready for the meat."

"Alright! Let's get this party started." Himeko yelled. Serenity took the kabobs and carried them out. Kiana and the others grabbed the meat that was supposed to be grilled. Serenity watched as Himeko cooked the meat. She was entranced, and Kiana looked worriedly.



"What are you doing?"

"Protecting the food." Serenity stated.

"Ok then." Kiana moved away from her, and she watched Serenity guard the food. A hand was placed on her shoulder.

"It's her instinct." Bronya hummed. "She's pregnant, and it's her territory."

"I know. I'm going to get a chair for her." Kiana went and fetched a chair, and she set it next to Serenity. "Darling, if you're going to guard the food, at least sit down."

"No need." Serenity stated as Kiana got behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist. The dragon yelped as Kiana forced her to sit on her lap.


"You need to sit." Kiana huffed. Serenity sighed and continued to watch the food.


"I can't believe you watched the food." Kiana stretched. Serenity was laying in her nest, and Kiana came over and started to kiss her. Serenity hummed softly, and she kissed back. "Cuddles?"

"Yes." Serenity pulled Kiana closer and wrapped her legs around her waist. Kiana giggled as the dragon purred against her. Serenity was quite content holding Kiana. The goddess moaned as Serenity started to kiss her neck. Serenity was getting horny and Kiana hummed.

"Someone is horny." Serenity sat up and stripped herself of her clothes. Kiana smirked against her neck as she moved her hands to the base of Serenity's horns.

"Kiana." She moaned softly as the goddess kissed her neck. Kiana moved back as Serenity started to kiss down her neck. Kiana moaned when Serenity played with her chest. She gripped one of Serenity's horns. The dragon moaned and flicked her tongue over Kiana's nipple. Kiana yelped when the dragon pinched her nipple.

"Serenity!" She whined when the dragon pulled away. Her entire torso was covered in hickies. Serenity let out a growl, and Kiana heard her tail break the glasses. The goddess sighed but stayed still. Serenity got up, and Kiana noticed that something was wrong. Kiana sat up and sensed it, too. Something was outside the house. Serenity was on high alert, and there was a knock on the door. Kiana went to open it, but Serenity pulled her back. The dragon growled again, and the goddess checked the window. Serenity hissed as Kiana pulled open the door. She saw Mei and Elysia. It was storming, and Mei looked terrified.

"What are you doing here!?" Serenity growled at the two.

"Serenity!" Kiana snapped at her.

"Can we stay here?" Mei was looking around as she ushered Elysia in. Serenity wasn't happy, and Kiana jumped as a door slammed shut.

"What are you running from?"

"Elysia's ex found out that Elysia was pregnant and wants the child dead. She burnt down our house." Kiana sighed.

"Avoid the nest. Serenity will kill you." Kiana warned. Elysia sat down in the recliner, and Kiana gave her a bottle of water. "There is food in the kitchen." Kiana sighed as she realized that she would not be having sex tonight. She went to the bedroom and saw Serenity pacing around. She was muttering, and Kiana sat on the bed. "Serenity?"

"Why are they here?" The dragon growled.

"Elysia's ex was abusive and psychotic. He threatened to kill her if she ever got pregnant by someone else. Their house burnt down."

"So they come here!? Putting you in danger?"

"It's just for tonight." Kiana pulled the dragon into a kiss. Serenity whined and kissed Kiana. She herded the goddess to the bed.

"My goddess." The dragon growled. Kiana yelped as she hit the bed.


"Mine. All mine." The dragon was biting all over Kiana's body. Kiana moaned as Serenity licked her cock.

"Serenity! We have company."

"Let her hear it." Serenity hissed. Kiana gripped Serenity's horns as the dragon started to suck her cock. Serenity hummed around her cock and Kiana moaned as she kept her grip on the dragon's horns. Kiana curled around the dragon's head and she cummed. Serenity moved and Kiana yelped as she got uppercutted by the dragon's horns. Serenity started to panic as Kiana touched her cheek.

"Ah! I'm fine!" Kiana calmed down the panicking dragon. "It's just a scratch." Serenity licked the blood off and she yelped as the goddess switched places. "Besides, I need to return the favor." Kiana smirked as she held the dragon's legs apart.

A Dragon And A GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now