Exes and Dragons

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Kiana stood at the front door of her house. Or should she say the house where she found who she thought was the love of her life cheating on her. Serenity saw Kiana hesitating, and she walked in. Kiana yelped, and she rushed in to stop the dragon from exploring a house. "Serenity, you can't just walk into people's houses!"

"Says the one who walked into my cave." Serenity went upstairs, and Kiana sighed. "Pack clothes for a week and necessities." Serenity hummed. Himeko had asked the dragon to take care of Kiana, and she accepted. Kiana packed things, and Serenity heard the door open. She saw a beautiful woman come in. She dropped her bag when she saw Kiana.

"Kiana?" The woman stepped forward, but black wings stopped her.

"Do not take a fucking step closer." Kiana hurriedly packed her things and Serenity kept the woman away.

"Why are you with my girlfriend!?"

"I see. Kiana is this Mei?" Serenity felt Kiana gripped her arm.

"Get away from my girlfriend!" Mei yelled.

"Your girlfriend?" Kiana looked at Serenity. "The last thing I heard was that you cheated on her. If I'm correct than cheating on your significant other with another person then it's a betrayal." Serenity hissed.

"Let's just go Serenity." Kiana dragged the dragon out and Mei followed. She was furious that this dragon would steal her girlfriend. Kiana made it outside with her bags and there was a yelp. Serenity was on the ground and Kiana saw Mei with her katana out. Seeing Serenity on the ground bleeding from her back, Kiana was furious. She gripped Mei's throat and growled. "Mei! Leave me alone!" Kiana gripped Mei's throat tighter.


"Kiana. Let her go." Serenity set her hand on Kiana's shoulder. Kiana gripped Mei's throat even tighter. Mei started to see spots.

"I don't want to see you. You cheated on me! I trusted you. I was going to propose but you were fucking that whore instead!" Kiana threw Mei down.


"Don't! You broke my heart." Kiana grabbed her bags and she left. Serenity followed her slightly turned on. The dragon frowned because she was going into heat. Serenity sighed as she unlocked the door. "Did Mei hurt you?" Kiana asked.

"I don't know. She sliced my back."  Serenity took her shirt off and Kiana frowned at the slice. She watched as the gash slowly healed into a scratch.

"You healed?"

"I have high regeneration speed." Serenity hummed. She took a step away from Kiana.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" Serenity quickly yelped out as Kiana came closer.

"Are you sure?" Kiana yelped as Serenity tackled her.

"You smell so good." The goddess whimpered as Serenity smelled her.

"Are you ok?"

"Smell so good." Serenity held Kiana who let her.

"Your acting like your in heat." Kiana's eyes widened. She remembered a class about animal mating seasons. She had read a book about dragons. When a dragon is going into heat, they tend to latch onto the closest potential mate. If they return the affections the courting ritual starts. Kiana looked in the mirror in front of them. Serenity had her arms wrapped around her middle and she looked adorable. Her horns were out and her tail was thumping on the floor. The dragon was addicted to the smell of the goddess in her arms.


Serenity woke up and she moved away from Kiana. They had fallen asleep and she was practically curled around her. Kiana woke up and she groaned. "I'm sorry! I went into heat." Serenity left and she slammed her door shut. Kiana was confused and Serenity was leaning against the door. Her heart was pounding in her chest. The dragon got in her bed and curled up. Her heart wouldn't calm down and the sense of betrayal washed over her. She sniffled feeling like she betrayed Nora and made Kiana extremely uncomfortable. She got up and she opened the door. Kiana stood at the door. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine! You're in heat so you can't control your actions. I understand it if you feel embarrassed. I didn't get uncomfortable when you tackled me."

"It's still rude for what I did! You should yell at me." Serenity whispered.

"How can I hate you when it feels natural for you to hold me?" Kiana whispered. "Even when I was with Mei, when she would hold me, it never felt like it was where I belonged."

"It doesn't matter. I jumped you."

"Yet I'm a potential mate for you."


"I read in a book that dragons when they go into heat, they go towards the closest potential mate." Serenity went silent. "We can start the courting if you want."

"What about Mei?" Serenity asked as she took a step back.

"I'm hurt by her betrayal but I felt happy when you stepped up to me." Kiana took a step towards the dragon who whimpered. Serenity was fighting her instincts to jump on the white haired goddess in front of her. "When Mei hurt you, I saw red. You took me in even though I trespassed. You guarded me while I slept. You even went with me to get my stuff even though you dislike large crowds." Kiana had tears in her eyes.

"Kiana." Serenity whispered.

"So I want us to try. I was always fascinated with dragons and when I was a child I always wanted a dragon lover." Kiana admitted. "I will wait for you, because I know you're still hurting over your mate."

"We can try." Serenity whispered. The white haired goddess froze. "But I must warn you that I'm possessive and you will be mine and only mine. No one will harm you and those who do will die a slow and painful death." Kiana laughed and she nodded. The dragon knew that this is what Nora would have wanted. Serenity sat on the bed and Kiana got in it. "Will you sleep with me tonight?" The dragon asked the goddess.

A Dragon And A GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now