The Dragon Egg

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Serenity sat up quickly as she sensed the egg. She got up quickly, and Kiana sat up. "Serenity? You're only wearing a shirt!! Don't go outside!" Kiana chased after the dragon, and Elysia and Mei yelped as the dragon burst through the living room. "You damn dragon!" Kiana went to leap at her, and Serenity moved towards the door, unintentionally avoiding her. Kiana's face planted into the ground, and she groaned.

"Is she alright?" Elysia hummed as she helped Kiana up.

"I don't know. This is the first time I've ever seen her react like this." Kiana was worried over her dragon acting like this. Completely ignoring her and disappearing into the forest.

"I don't think she's cheating." Elysia stared at where Serenity had disappeared. "Dragons mate for life, so maybe she sensed something else?"

"Another dragon?" Mei asked. All three of them jumped when it started to storm.

"She's going to get hurt!" Kiana tried to run out the sliding door, but Elysia and Mei stopped her. Kiana thrashed in their arms, causing them to struggle to hold her back.

"Serenity is a dragon! She can take care of herself." With that being said, Kiana stopped thrashing in their arms.

"I know you're worried." Elysia hummed as she picked up her son, who was crying. She started to feed, and the sliding door slammed open, and Serenity was panting heavily. She was covered in blood and holding an egg. Mei closed the door, and Kiana rushed to Serenity quickly.

"One of you light the fire." Serenity hissed, and Mei was quick to light the fire. Serenity waited for the flames to get bigger before placing the white egg in the fire. She collapsed, and Kiana cried out. Serenity panted heavily, and blood dripped onto the floor. Elysia gave Mei their son, and she rushed over to Serenity. She started to check up on her, and she sat back on her haunches.

"I need bandages." Kiana rushed towards the bathroom, and she came back with a roll of bandages.

"I'm fine. I heal faster than humans ."

"I'm very well aware of that, but you're worrying, Kiana. Not to mention the risk of infection." Elysia hummed as she cut Serenity's shirt off. Her body was covered in slashes.

"What happened?" Kiana had tears in her eyes.

"What's with the egg?" Mei asked.

"It's a dragon's egg. If I had only gotten there sooner, I would have been able to save the entire nest." Serenity hissed in pain as Elysia cleaned her wounds. Kiana sobbed as she saw the claw marks on Serenity's body.

"Please don't do that again." She hugged Serenity's arm tightly. "At least without telling me."

"Alright." Serenity hummed softly as she hugged Kiana back.

"So that's a dragon egg? Why did you place it in the fire?"

"To keep it warm." Serenity hummed as she hummed. "It will have to stay like this all day and night." Serenity hummed softly as she stood up. Kiana followed her towards the bedroom, and Serenity was grabbing pillows. "I want to make a nest in front of the fireplace. Mei and Elysia can sleep in the guest bedroom."

"Alright." Kiana grabbed everything she could and carried them to the living room. She plopped them on the floor, and Serenity was talking to Elysia and Mei.

"Oh, Serenity." Elysia hummed as she handed Serenity a pouch. "Here your emeralds."

"Thank you." Serenity hummed.

"I've moved Syras to the bedroom." Mei hummed as they watched Serenity start to make a nest.

"Is he asleep?" Elysia hummed.



Kiana woke up to something moving next to her in the nest. She sat up, her white hair a mess, and she saw Serenity sitting in front of the fireplace. Kiana sat up as she noticed Serenity's tail moving back and forth. She was in her half dragon form and seemed to be watching the egg. "Serenity?"

"It moved." She spoke. "It might hatch soon." Serenity seemed happy about the egg. Really happy, almost like she thought it was her own. Her tail was thumping against the floor, and Kiana whined softly. Serenity looked behind her as she tilted her head. She reached behind her and grabbed Kiana's leg, and dragged the goddess towards her. Kiana was now in her lap, and Serenity wrapped her arms around her waist. Kiana blushed as Serenity held her. Serenity was still intently watching the egg, and Kiana wrapped her arms around her. She was facing Serenity, who hummed softly. Kiana heard a door open, and she saw Elysia come out. She froze for a second, and Serenity turned around. "She's jealous of the fact I'm not paying attention to her." Serenity hummed as her eyes were drawn to the egg moving again.

"I see. Do you want something to eat?" Elysia asked.

"Yes, please." Kiana hummed.

"There's waffles in the freezer." Serenity hummed as she watched the egg intently.


"How is Syras?" Serenity asked.

"Mei is watching him."

"As much as I understand the after effects of childbirth, I would appreciate it if you would find a home soon." Serenity hissed.

"We have a house already that we were planning to move into. I understand that you are territorial, but we'll be able to move in a week. There was a CO2 leak."

"I see." Serenity hummed as she kept an eye on the egg. She winced in major pain, and Kiana's eyes widened as she felt something wet under her ass.

"Did you pee yourself?" Kiana asked.

"No. Something is wrong." Serenity groaned in pain as she held her stomach. Kiana stood up, and her eyes widened as blood was soaking the pale blue blanket. There was the sound of china breaking, and Elysia rushed over. Mei ran into the living room.

"What's wrong!?"

"Serenity started screaming in pain!" Elysia yelled out in fear. Serenity cried in pain as it felt like her insides were being shredded, Kiana had tears in her eyes as Serenity writhed in pain. "Kiana, do you have a book about dragons?"

"Yeah. A few books."

"Bring me them. Maybe we can find out why she's acting like this." Serenity screamed as the pain continued. Kiana was already sobbing because she couldn't stand to see her girlfriend in pain. Elysia looked through the books, and she frowned.

"What is it?"

"We need to take her to the hospital."


"Because the pain Serenity is feeling is a miscarriage. I think the baby developed draconic features inside the womb. She has to have it surgically removed because it's literally trying to tear her insides apart.

"We need more people." Mei hissed. The door was slammed open, and Sirin, Cecelia, Siegfried, and Himeko ran in. Serenity was still screaming.

"What's going on!?"

"Serenity is having a miscarriage. We need to get her to the hospital." Everyone ran towards Serenity and dragged her towards the car. Serenity was still in severe pain.

"We need to knock her out. Because she's screaming."

"We can't knock her out." Elysia hissed as Mei and Cecilia stayed with Syras. "We need her awake so we know she's alive." They made it to the hospital. "We need help!!" Elysia yelled. Two doctors came running out.

"What happened?!"

"A dragon?" The other one asked. They immediately knew what was happening. "We need to get her to an OR Stat!" The doctors screamed as they wheeled Serenity into the hospital. Kiana tried to follow her, but Sirin wrapped her arms around her.

"They got her, alright? You need to calm down." She whispered as Kiana sobbed. A nurse came up to them, and Kiana threw up. She sedated Kiana before the girl dehydrated herself.

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