Dragons Are Like Cats

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Serenity woke up in the tub. She saw Kiana sleeping next to her and she moved. Kiana heard the water splashing, and she saw Serenity awake. "You're awake!"

"What happened?"

"You got a fever."

"I don't think I had a fever." Serenity tackled Kiana. She was straddling her. "I fainted because I'm in heat." Serenity kissed Kiana, who whined, and she moved away.

"So what? You fainted because you didn't have sex?" Kiana joked, and Serenity looked serious. "You fainted because you didn't have sex!?"

"Don't you have a book about dragons?" Serenity hummed.

"Well, yes!"

"I'm fine, Kiana. I'm out of heat now." Serenity got up, and she shivered. Her body temperature was low, and she got dressed. She went to the fireplace and lit it. She sighed happily as she curled up.

"Do you want to have sex?" Kiana asked.

"I do, but it's improper for us to have sex so early in the courting." Serenity hummed as she sat up. Kiana nodded and sat on her lap.

"I don't mind us having sex." Kiana whispered against Serenity's lips. The dragon kissed her, and the goddess moaned.

"We should wait a month." Serenity pulled away. She buried her face in Kiana's chest. The goddess laid her chin on Serenity's head. Serenity hummed as she felt Kiana's heartbeat. She smiled, and Kiana felt the dragon's body vibrate.

"Are you purring?"

"Maybe." Serenity hummed. Her wings wrapped around Kiana, and her tail was thumping on the ground.

"I see. You're like a cat and dog." Kiana made the connection on what Serenity acted like. "It's weird. You're a man-eating dragon who can take out a city. Yet here you are acting like a lazy cat." Serenity pulled away, and her horns got tangled in Kiana's hair. The goddess untangled her hair.

"Do you want to see my draconic form?" Serenity asked. Kiana nodded happily and followed her outside. Serenity went deeper into the forest and into a clearing. Kiana stayed on the edge, and green flames erupted from Serenity. A black dragon the size of a mare was sitting. Kiana bounded out, and she frowned.

"I expected you to be bigger." There was a growl, and Kiana yelped. "But you're only half dragon." Serenity nodded, and she stretched. Kiana yelped as she threw the girl on her back. She screamed as Serenity flew into the air and Kiana held onto Serenity's neck. It was nighttime, and Kiana felt Serenity stop. She looked up and saw herself above the tree line. She noticed the stars and moon, and she smiled happily. Serenity flew through the air, and Kiana started to scream happily. Serenity landed on the ground behind their house, and Kiana got off. She waited for the dragon to turn back, and she tackled Serenity, who yelped. Serenity caught Kiana, who started to laugh. The two girls started to smile.

"Someone is happy." A voice said. Serenity saw Sirin and Kiana turned around. She noticed her mother and turned back towards Serenity. She noticed that Serenity was in her underwear. Kiana gave Serenity her jacket. Serenity hummed as she put it on. Her features disappeared.

"I'll let you guys catch up." Serenity hummed as she went inside the house.

"We're moving here." Cecilia spoke up.

"In the house!?" Kiana asked.

"No, you fool! In the city."


"So does Serenity know about your little secret." Sirin asked.

"She's a dragon. Of course she knows!" Kiana hissed. She then went scarlet, and Sirin smirked.

"I see. You want to have sex with her."

"We have to wait." Kiana huffed.

"Yet you didn't deny it!" Kiana huffed and went inside. Serenity was sitting on the couch, and she was watching Alien.

"What's wrong?" Kiana sat on the couch.

"My idiot sister."

"I know you want to have sex with me." Serenity crawled towards Kiana, who yelped as the dragon sat on her lap.


"Also, it's nice for your family to move here." Kiana yelped.

"Let's not get freaky." Sirin snapped.

"Aww. Don't worry, I'll be gentle with your sister." Serenity hummed. Kiana blushed harder and pushed Serenity away. She ran to her room, and Serenity shrugged. Sirin left after bidding Serenity goodbye. The dragon went to see her goddess, and she slammed open the door. Kiana yelped, and Serenity smirked.


"Your sister left."


"I'm going to eat you."

"What!?" Serenity tackled Kiana, who yelped. The girls landed on the bed, and Serenity straddled Kiana. The goddess moaned as the dragon bit her neck. Kiana whined as Serenity continued to nip at her neck. The dragon moved away and admired the bites along her collarbone. Kiana was a blushing mess, and Serenity yawned. The dragon curled up next to her, and the goddess felt disappointed. She got up and went to the bathroom. Her hair was a mess, and her neck had bleeding bites. She sighed as she realized that Serenity was just marking her. The goddess felt disappointed, and she would have to take a cold shower. Kiana winced as she got in the shower. Her bites burned, and she sighed as she got out.

"Kiana?" Serenity hummed from the bed.

"Sorry, I had to take a quick shower. I didn't want to sleep in saliva." Kiana hummed as she got into the bed. Serenity pulled her closer, and Kiana blushed.

"It's ok. I know the feeling." Serenity yawned and fell asleep. Kiana stayed up and got on her phone. She got a text from her sister who told her to tell her all the details of the steamy night. Kiana replied back that all Serenity did was bite her. Sirin asked if she enjoyed it, and Kiana asked if she was jealous. Sirin said no and then sent a message. Serenity woke up to Kiana tensing up. "What's wrong?"

"My father wants to see me."

"Are you on good terms?" The dragon muttered.

"Sort of. He left us when I was 12, and my sister was 15." Kiana whispered.

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