Hi Aria and Avery , 👯‍♀️

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Thursday November 4 th 2021

7h47 am

**Carina was on her laptop while she was breastfeeding Londyn and she was looking at the statics on miscarriage ... she wanted to have her case be known too, she was later told that baby Juliette didn't survive the pregnancy because she stopped growing at the sixteenth weeks of gestation.. which was caused by a defect . She had a heart condition called a ventricular septal defect (VSD).**

Carina: huh , VSD , interesting!
Maya: what's that babe?  What are you doing?
Carina: ohhh I uh asked Addison to give me my medical history and Juliette's  a few years ago and I just came across the letter from Addison in my emails , I wanted to know why she died !
Maya: ohhhh okay , so what did Addison say?

**Carina started crying **

She said .. it was most likely a VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT ,
Maya: ohhhhhh Kay, ** Maya came to sit down next to Carina to console her , Londyn woke up from her momma's slight cries**

Londyn : ohhhhh ohhhh momma ! Why you crying?
Carina: hiii picolina, im okay, i miss Juliette
Londyn : Juliette is my big sister, she with Jesus and Nonna !
Carina: yea that's right, she would have been, she is your big sister.
Londyn : does she look like Violet and Scarlett ?
Carina: uhhh no, see Vivi has dark brown hair like momma and Scarley has dark blonde hair, like mommy some times, and with Juliette we never got to see who she would have looked like, but she would have looked slightly different from vivi and Scarley because the three were FRATERNAL TRIPLETS!
Londyn : Scarlett and Violet do look exactly a like huh ?
Maya: yea that's because they are ONE THOUSAND PERCENT IDENTICAL, and Juliette isn't .
Londyn : ahhhhh okay, i all done with momma milk ! Thank you momma, and it's okay Julie is with JESUS ! She's safe !

Carina: okay,  I kind of want to spread awareness about VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT , but I don't know what to do, I'm no where near sporty whatsoever...

I did some research on it five years ago when they were three and I guess I stopped because life was getting a little stir crazy back then but in a good way, but I want to begin a fundraiser or something like that...
Maya: okay... Yea I remember that, how much money did we raised five years ago?
Carina: uhhhh 750 dollars!
Maya: ohhh okay, ummm we'll think of something.

** she laughs aand let her daughter run out to her playroom and join her siblings , Carina re adjusted her maternity tank top and she curled up in Maya's arms**

Maya: it's a wonderful idea babe, together we will think of something to bring awareness!
Carina: okay thank you.

Later that day

11h36 am

**Carina had to go to her clinic and her patient from one year ago , conjoined twins  Aria And Avery Come back to the hospital, as their mother Carla is pregnant again  she has an ten year old daughter named Melody so this is her third pregnancy , and she wanted Carina as her obgyn! Therefore Carina obviously agreed ! **

11h40 am

Carina: babe I have to go to work now
Maya: okay I love you so much, have a great day,
Carina: I love you too so much babe, to the moon and back , forever and always.
Maya: to the moon and back, forever and always,

11h48 am

Carina: Carla and Stephen ?
Carla and Stephen : yea , come on girls ,
Avery: hiiii  Carina, we have something to show you
Aria: hiii, yea , we can't wait to show you.
Carina: hi girls, I can't wait to see what you are going to show me.
Carla : this is my   Third pregnancy and I am just hoping for a successful unstressed pregnancy, if it's twins I just hope they are not conjoined.
Carina: okay well I will take a look, you are in your first trimester ,
Carla : yea, first trimester... is everything alright with the baby?
Carina: siiii everything is going well, and you have a SINGLETON this time around!
Carla ; ohhh alright thank youuu, is it bad that I'm slightly relieved that it's only ONE BABY?
Carina: it's not a bad thing, it has been very traumatizing when you had the girls , you and Stephen are so strong, you got the perfect and ULTIMATE BEST OPTION, which is a successful separation operation on the girls and now they are THRIVING!!!
Carla : okay thank you.

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