Happy birthday babies part two,

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11h40 am
Maya: ahhhhh ,

** a splash sound could be heard **
What the fuck was that?

Carina: it's okay babe, your second water broke, our fourth and last son is about to be born ! ** she strokes her hands up and down her courageous wife's long blonde beautiful hair**

Maya: ohhhh okay! Ahhhhh ! So much fucking pressure!
Addison: do you want to try to breastfeed Giovanni? It really really helps bring more effective contractions.
Maya: yea I guess I could try. But ahhhhhh ! I feel like I'm going to throw up and I want to try a water birth , ahhhhh this time.
Addison: alright, I'll get everything settled up for you,  just give me five minutes,
Carina : okay, here's a trash can my love!
Maya: oh thank you,
** two minutes later Addison had settled up the water pool for Maya , she didn't waste any time as the second baby usually comes quite faster , as the path is already made **

11h42 am
Carina: you are doing such a wonderful job babe,
Maya: okay, hemmmmm ! Fuck it I'm not waiting until it's warm enough!
** she immediately gets undressed and she is now butt naked in the hospital birthing pool**

Ahhhh it feels soooo much better!
Carina: he's so close babe
** then Carina's cellophone rang , it was the kids, they were a little worried as they haven't heard from their moms since the night before.**

Carina: ohhh hi guys,
Scarlett : hi momma, why haven't you give any news ? We were worried!
Andrew: I  tried to tell them that you were busy, helping maya, but they really insisted on calling you.
Carina: okay, well we haven't called yet because they are not born yet,  well one of them is , but the second one is coming out soon.
Maya: ahhhhhh fuck ! Carinaaaaaa help me !
Ouhhhh shiiiiit , i feel like my hrmmmmmm !
Carina: I have to go help mommy, but everything is fine, mommy is doing so good, we're going to call you later okay!
Londyn : momma am I a big sister yet?
Carina: yes you are, but we will definitely call you back in a few minutes okay!
Andrew: alright,
Maya: I feel like I have to pushhhhhhhh !!
Andrew; okay go go !

** Andrew hung up **

11h52 am
Maya: I'm legit pushing him outttttt !
** she was now sitting in the bottom of the hospital pool with her legs spread out wide and Carina was giving her wife cold face cloth on her chest and shoulders and forehead **

Addison: okay that's good, push , push hard maya , you've got this, he's almost here, his head is out, relax , and wait until your next contraction ! And he's going to be here.
Carina: you are a champion ** she has her hands on her wife's lower back and shoulders , reassuring her everything is going to be fine**

11h55 am
Maya: Hrmmmmkkkk AHHHHHHHHHH FUCK !
Carina and Addison: congratulations Maya, he's absolutely perfect,

** Addison caught him and brought him up to Maya's chest and he was immediately crying like his brother, in Carina's arms , Carina kisses Maya several times. Both wives look at each other with happy tears coming down their faces. Carina cut the umbilical cord. **

Carina: you did amazing babe, he's absolutely perfect!
Maya: I did it, oh my goodness, it's super relieving and empowering.

**Carina kisses her wife several times **

Carina: Giovanni meet Salvatore. Salvatore meet Giovanni.
Maya: that's right. They can finally meet.
Hrmmmmm ahhhhhh , fuckkkk , the placentas are comingggggggg !!! Addison helppppppp!
Addison: okay , that's good, keep pushing, it's coming out on it's own , good, one more push.
Carina: you are doing such a wonderful job Maya, one more , one more.
Addison: okay good, 12h03 pm Placenta number one is now completely out!
Maya: I can't feel my legs anymore.
Carina: okay, hang on , we'll get you up on the bed and get you—-
Addison: okay, one two three!
** Carina helped Addison carry maya on the hospital bed , Carina gave her wife leg compressions ! Maya began to feel her legs again a few minutes after those legs compressions. **
Maya: hrmmmmmm ahhhhhhhh , okay, uhhhhh , I think the second placenta is coming outtttt. hrmmmmmmm !
Addison: okay good, one more , one more ! That's good! Good job ! Maya everything went well, congratulations on your beautiful sons !

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