We had so much FUN MOMS ! 🏝️☀️

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TWO WEEKS LATER THE DELUCA BISHOP FAMILY HEADS BACK HOME FROM JAMAICA TO SEATTLE, the kids learned that TODAY WAS INTERNATIONAL PRANK DAY SO the oldest children wanted to prank their moms , and have been doing so all day!

Tuesday NOVEMBER 29 th 2021

Early breakfast before leaving!
Chloe and Lorenzo wanted to see what their moms would do if they were caught drinking coffee, ( obviously the nice baristas made them thick beverages to look exactly like Carina's espresso! )

6h28 am
Maya: okay guys, do we have everything packed , because after breakfast we are heading back to the airport so make sure no one forgets anything, look under the couch, and the beds
Chloe: awnnn we are leaving already?
Carina: yea I know, but it's been a fun two weeks huh?
Lorenzo, Alessandro, violet : ohhh yesss ! Definitely one of our favourite vacations yet!
Scarlett: can we come back here one day?
Carina: yes of course we can!  Everything is packed my love,
Scarley , Violet, Chloé , Lorenzo: good , because this vacation was soooooooo much fun .
Carina: yea momma had a lot on fun too
Maya; right, this place is just amazing and so beautiful!
Alessandro: sooooo we will come back here in the future?
Maya and Carina: siiii , if everyone wants to ! Maybe In a few years though!
The kids; YESSSSSSS THANK YOUUU SOOOOO MUCH , we really really do have the best of the best PARENTS IN THE HISTORY OF PARENTS!

Maya: awnnn well it's a pleasure to bring you all to different places in the world
Carina: yea. And when we have the best of the best children of the world , how can we not be the best of the best parents!

Maya: Lessandro, please sit down correctly in your seat! ** he was sitting in his double stroller next to his buddy Londyn**

Carina: babe, I want to thank you for organizing everything in such short notice for me, for us, it's been lovely, we've made lots of memories! Thank you, ** she kisses her wife while going down to the lobby of the hotel in the elevator **

Maya: anything for you babe, I had a blast too!
Lorenzo: one last time at the ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET!!! Hrmmm yummy blueberry muffins and chocolate pancakes! Yesss !
Carina had reserved a table for the two weeks, so they wouldn't struggle each time to go to eat , the food was extremely healthy, pastas, salads, chicken strips, macaroni and cheese, fruits salads and vegetables lots of veggies, cheeses,

** the lovely waitress came and brought Carina her espresso and her two sugar packets, like usual, she then brought the two EXTREMELY LOOK ALIKE drinks for Lorenzo and Chloe **

Here you go Ma'am
Carina: oh thank you so much Lola!
Lola : my pleasure! And do you mind if your oldest son and oldest daughter participate in a survey? It's for children 12 and up , we just want them to rate their experience here?

**Maya and Carina both agreed **

Maya: oh it's totally fine!
Lorenzo: ohhh, that looks extremely yummy! Thank you Lola!
Chloe: ouhhh it does look extremely good! Thank you very much Lola!
** Lola was in on the prank **

Carina: uhhh , what's your drinks guys?
Chloe: hrmmm very thick chocolate milk ! Hrmmm with a minty flavour!  Right Enzo?
Lorenzo: ohhh Yea, i would rate that a 8.5 out of ten!
Chloe: EIGHT POINT FIVE WOAHHH ! Ummm I would say a seven out of ten!

Carina whispers to Maya : babe that looks extremely like my espresso don't you think?
Maya: babe, I'm sure Lola wouldn't intentionally give two espressos to two teenagers!
Maya: I'm sure it's fine!

ONE BREAKFAST LATER! everyone is now at the airport, at gate 57 HEADING HOME!

Chloe: Enzo psssss , our first prank worked !
Lorenzo: yesss I know , okay what else can we do ?
Scarlett : what are you two talking about?
Chloe: ohhh uhhhh pre and teenager stuff, you wouldn't understand, you are only EIGHT!
Lorenzo: yea sorry!
** Scarlett felt like a big girl, she wanted to be like her older siblings so she went to snitch on her siblings to their moms**

Carina: guys, come on be inclusive with them !
Chloe: but momma! We are talking about stuff she wouldn't understand! Maybe later!

Carina: alright! This indoor pool is amazing ahhhhh
Maya: yea it really is, I don't know why they would close the outside ones
Carina: it's because of the strong wind Bambina, the beach is also closed, look at the red flags out there!

10h28 am
**EVERYONE WAS NOW ON BOARD THE PLANE ! Chloe had to think fast for their next prank! She sat behind a little girl, who looked exactly the same to her so she kindly asked her if she could trade places with her for just a few minutes, her friend said yes of course, HER NAME WAS CLARA! Maya handed out snacks to her children in front , hence why it's a good trick, Chloe and Clara switched places**

Maya; here you go Chloe , one bear paw for you!
Clara took the bear paw , Chloe said thank you, until Maya backed up a little bit into the aile and noticed that It wasn't Chloe! **

Maya: oh sorry, I thought you were my daughter!
Clara : it's alright!
Chloe: I'm right here mommy!


Clara and Chloe switched back to their original seats and it was Lorenzo's turn to prank his moms!

Chloe: mommy I made a new friend, her name is Clara , she lives twenty miles away from us !
Maya: ohhh hi Clara, ohhh you really really do look alike ! Woh! Im Maya,
Clara : ahhh hi Maya! Nice to meet you!
Chloe: yea !  Can we exchange our phone number please please mommy!

**Maya and Carina both agreed, they had become friends with Clara's parents on the long flight home, they eventually agreed to exchange numbers **
Carina: yea , I'm taking care of it CHLOE LOVEY, don't worry!
Chloe: okay thank you momma, You both are the absolute best!
Carina: it's our pleasure
** She had to breastfeed Londyn sevral times while on the plane ride home **

Pilot : hi everyone, we are about to land so please come back in your seats and buckle up your seatbelts and we may experience a little bit of turbulence while we are landing but nothing too serious, thank youuu for choosing To fly with American Airlines, we hope to see you back soon,

Violet: ohhh, what is turbulence mommy?
Maya: turbulence it's when violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or of some other fluid.! It's nothing to be scared or worried about,

** Carina was resting her eyes with a sleeping Londyn on her chest, she was dreaming about an indoor swimming pool in their house **


Carina: why are you two acting weird ?
Chloe: uhhhh , it's nothing momma !

**Several hours later the plane landed and they did everything necessary to have their luggage back, went through the whole security, customs and they called a taxi driver for their ride home ! Carina was fed up with Chloe and Lorenzo acting weird, she didn't like it, so eventually the pranks stopped **
Carina: Why would you prank us like that bambino?
Lorenzo: I'm sorry momma, it was my idea , and it's INTERNATIONAL PRANK DAY, otherwise we wouldn't have done it,
Chloe: yea , and I take responsibility too, I decided to join Enzo on his pranks moms! We are extremely sorry
Carina: hrmmmk fine, youuu both are forgiven but please don't do that anymore okay?
Chloe and Lorenzo: yes momma! We promise!
Maya: okay, good, thank youuu so much sir , have a good evening !

Everyone got home, the kids went straight into their beds as they were all exhausted! Maya and Carina both brought everyone's luggage in the laundry room and started a load ,

Maya: you seemed really really happy in your dream on the plane my love,
Carina : hrmm yea,
Maya: what were you dreaming about?
Carina: I had a dream that we had an indoor pool in the house and it was super fun and we could swim in the winter time, uhhhh ! I know indoor pools are extremely expensive but can we think about it please please Bambina!
Maya: hrmmm ! Im kidding, of course we can! It's a good idea, to swim in the winter time too,
Carina; yea and it was a deep long pool so you could do laps and you even taught our kids to swim like a true swimmer would!
Maya: a true swimmer?
Carina: yea you know like an Olympic swimmer
Maya: woah that's a cool dream
Carina: yea... it really was..

Maya: woahhhh babe it's almost one in the morning
Carina: wiahhh seriously?
Maya: yea, we probably should go to sleep
Carina: I'm showering first, are you coming with me babe?
Maya: yes I am

** they ended up having a little sex encounter in the shower. After their shower the two mothers fell asleep a few minutes later **

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