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I remember the night I met her. She was at the bar sitting while crying because she wasn't as successful as she thought she would be. She was the most beautiful person I've met even till this day. All I did was make her laugh when we began talking and she gave me her number. The start of something,  I grew to somewhat regret.

"Hey you okay there?"

The girl didn't respond she just put her head more into her arms.

"Want a drink?" I ask

She finally lifts her head up to reveal a beautiful face but she had tears running down like a river. I looked around to see if maybe her boyfriend or anyone was around who can help her but she quickly shut that off for me.

"I'm here alone" she says

she had an English accent that was so attractive because they always made everything sound so elegant.

"Did someone do something to you or what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it how about that drink" she smiles but just with her lips not a genuine one with her teeth

I just nod

"Drinking doesn't really help though here have one of these" I say as I pull out a piece of gum

"Gum? Is it drugged or something"

I laugh

"No it's just gum"

She laughs as well.


Now she was a huge star who only wanted me around when she needed me. I knew we had something between us. I love her and I know she loves me but she'll never admit because her ego is way over her head now. What bothers me is whenever I find someone who is interested in me it seems to bother her and she tries to make me jealous. She won't allow me to be with someone but she runs around with all these dudes.

I'm always there for her everytime one of them apparently breaks her heart, by being there I mean hooking up with her. She always told me she appreciated me for everything I had done for her but it always ended with me being one of her bestest friends. And to be completely honest I was getting real tired of it.

I worked for her as well, I had no expirence on what I was working in but like I said she just liked having me around and I just loved being around her. But as I said I was tired of it now so I was planning on quitting soon because it was starting to hurt being in love with her. Unless she finally tells me how she feels she can stop me but if not then it's over.

"Hey want to go get some lunch?" Dua says

"I'm good" I say

She locks the door behind since we are in my office. She walks towards me and holds my face and goes for a kiss. I don't block it I never do because I love it and it brings me to life. Her mouth is always so warm yet so refreshing to taste each time. She always lays her hands on my neck.

"How about some lunch?" She ask again while backing up

I would usually be really quick to say yes after something like that happened between us but I couldn't this time because it's time I actually treated myself right since she can't do that.

"I'm fine Dua" I say

"Is something wrong? Did you get dumped I told you not to be with anyone that's not your best friend" she says as she hit my shoulder

God did that anger me so much but I had a weak spot for her where I just could not show her the anger I felt because for me the innocent sensitive girl was still in her and I was afraid of hurting her.

"Dua we need to talk" I say

"About what? Who hurt you I'll kill them"

"Dua you hurt me and not only now but constantly I'm quitting this job"

"Quiting? Are you insane? You're not"

"Yes I am you're not you anymore at least not the girl I met you're just so different"

"Different how? Just because you grew out of love for me? You never truly cared if you leave"

"Cant believe I'm hearing these words out of your mouth but if you believe I never cared then I don't, I'm getting my things moved out tomorrow"

"Who is it huh? You finally fell in love with someone else?"

"For fuck sakes I have never fallen in love with anyone other than you but I'm sick and tired of just being that good friend of yours and me being here like a loyal puppy while you go out there with whatever guy you want"

"Are you saying I'm just a hooker or something?"

"You really say anything to avoid the fact that you can't admit you love me back huh well goodbye Dua have fun"

I stormed out because that was it for me. I wanted to cry but I didn't I just couldn't handle it anymore. All the memories were flowing in of all the good times we had it was trying to stop me but I needed to fight through.


"You really are the only person I'll ever want in my life" dua says as she lays in bed with me

"You promise just me and you?" I say

"Forever and ever love" she says and lays a kiss on my forehead

Dua was starting to get recognized for her work and she was so happy about it. Anything that made her happy made me happy. She was a sweet caring person one of those stars who actually cared about the fans.

What we had was something special but there wasn't any label on it yet. I wanted to ask at some point what this truly was but I didn't want to ruin it.


As soon as I reached the parking lot I felt her arms wrap around me. I can't fall back into this out of respect for myself I just can't. Seeing her with all these guys who never will love her the way I do , be with her publicly and happily.

"Don't leave please I need you" she says

"No you don't you just want to use me" I say

"You have no idea what you're talking about"

"I do that's all everyone is to you now just objects you can control I guess fame did really change you" I say

"Fuck you"

"Goodbye and goodluck" I say while I trying to gulp down the pain

I never did this job for the money so it wouldn't hurt me economically but it will hurt me in all the other ways. I needed a new job though and I remember some other artist wanted to work with me but Dua didn't like her at all but who cares at this point.

All she had to do was say something or do something to prove that I mattered to her and all she had to say to me was "fuck you".

Depending on how this is received by people will determine rather I keep it going 💀 also long or short chapters? Goodnight y'all

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