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"Look about last night it really buzzed me off that you were upset about how it went, it was supposed to be a good memory" Dua says as we sit to eat breakfast

I couldn't sleep right last night. I kept fighting myself in my head, telling myself that it was stupid to be upset after I met her family but the other me kept telling myself that Dua is a narcissistic liar who will never take the blame for anything. Maybe she did truly love the guys she was with and I was always second for everything for her.

"What happened to you really Dua? What happened to the girl I met at the bar, the girl who cared about people's feelings?" I say

"I don't know what you're talking about" she says avoiding eye contact with me

"Of course you don't, you never understand me" I say

She slams her fork and knife down onto her plate causing me to jump up a little.

"What do you want for me y/n? Am I not doing enough for you or something? Why can't you just accept that you have me here and I love you?" She says

"You're hiding something in you Dua and until you talk about it it's going to keep frustrating you" I say

"You know what fuck breakfast I'm going to the studio" she says tossing the fork to the side

I'm not going to chase after her, she wants me to I can feel it. I'm not going to leave her obviously but I really want her to find herself again. I want to know why she decided to change so much.


"I don't fuckin understand it Y/n why would you fuck him? When are you going to realize I should be the only one for you" Dua screams

Part of me loved this side of Dua, the jealous part of her. The part that made me feel wanted so badly. The other part of me was afraid of what she might be capable if I don't listen to her and "realize" what she wants me to realize. John makes me feel loved not afraid and I won't deny that sleeping with him actually felt good.

"I'll realize when you're only for me Dua, while that happens I get to fuck whoever I want okay? Until you come to your senses then okay I'll stop being the slut you think I am" I reply

She quickly exits the car and goes into her home. I don't know what she's doing but I'm so over chasing after her. I don't think I could even stand to wait for her anymore either. Fuck it I'll walk home.

"Where are you going" I hear while I start walking away

It's the mouse and cat chase game but this time I'm not playing that crap. I'm ignoring her.

"It's fuckin over I broke up with him just now" I hear closer

I stop for a second. A smirk involuntarily forms on my face, do I believe her? Or do I not have self control anymore? I don't know anymore.

I feel her arm pull mine and I'm now facing her. She's sweating from running to me. I didn't think I had gone so far but I guess I did. Dua is so hot it hurts to look at her face. Her facial features being filled with moisture have me feeling vertigo and I didn't even fuckin run. She's hypnotizing and I can handle it, rather she broke up with him or not I already knew what was about to happen.

"It's over now you're all mine and I'm all yours" she says

Next thing I knew we were on her grass. My heart beating so fast as she undresses me. Her sweat falling onto my bare skin. Her eyes becoming hungrier and hungrier with each breath she took and with each clothing falling off.

Her fingers finally enter me, easily as always because I'm always wet so fast for her. With each stroke I feel more and more weak.

"Call me a slut" I say

She grins and bites her lips, going faster.

"You're my slut" she says

Best day ever.


"You're here" I say wiping my eyes

I'm sure it was past midnight already. Dua wasn't here all day, I don't know what she's been up to and to be honest I don't even want to know. She doesn't look drunk or high so at least she wasn't in danger. Maybe she was just at the studio. I need to trust her more she's right about that.

"Do you not want me here or what?" She asks

"Can we not fight? look about earlier im sorry about giving you a tough time" I say

I'm not sorry at all but it's late and I'm tired.

"No im sorry, you were right I haven't been myself at all and it's been like that for a while" she sighs

My eyes widened, this can't be true? I'm dreaming or something? Dua truly apologizing?

"We can talk about it if you'd like if not it's okay too" I say

"Maybe tomorrow? I'm sort of wrecked from recording all day, a kiss or something would probably help" she says

"You know I got nothing under this night gown" I smile

See there are good moments. Moments like this are what makes this relationship worth it to me. Maybe she was me wrapped up in her fingers but fuck it I love her. Her hands on my body are heaven.

"I love you so much you have no idea" she says looking up at me with her mouth full of my cum

"I love you too" I manage to say

I KNOW THIS ONE IS A BIT TOO MUCH BUT ANWAYS I think this story might be ending soon 🫣

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I KNOW THIS ONE IS A BIT TOO MUCH BUT ANWAYS I think this story might be ending soon 🫣

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