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"You are not going to believe this" Dua screams and shakes me.

I wake up scared as hell but I heard her completely. I check the time and it's 12 already I need to stop oversleeping.

"You scared the living hell out of me"

"Guess who's nominated for a Grammy"

"No way" I scream

We hold hands and we start jumping up and down like crazy. She has the brightest most beautiful smile on and it is so contagious. She stops, grabs my face and places her lips on mine. We hadn't kissed in a while since I told Dua we shouldn't be as close close as we are because of her current relationship. We were deeply in the kiss until we heard steps coming upstairs we pushed each other away so quickly.

"Hey both of you babe I heard about the Grammy and ran straight here I'm so proud of you" he says as he is walking towards Dua

"Yes I'm so happy" she says

He picks her up and kisses her. It was lowkey really weird because she still had my saliva on her lips while she kissed him. At least none of us were wearing lip stick if not that would have been a different story but damn it was a close call.

"How about we go to celebrate" he says but just looking at her

"We should" she says as she reaches for my arm

"Oh no it's cool I have to get back to the office anyways you guys have fun" I say

"Thank you" he says

I grab my things and start heading out truth is I was starting to not really mind seeing them together I think it was sort of toxic what we were doing but I had a good distraction now. John and I were meeting almost everyday after work because he was teaching me how to play the drums and right after I master that we were moving on to the guitar.

"Hey wait" dua yells from the door

I wait for her by my car.

"You're not upset right?"

"Not really" I blurt out because I honestly really didn't care right now

"Oh okay but how about you come tonight we can have a little celebration ourselves" she says

I surprisedly didn't feel like doing anything like that because I was looking forward to see John more often now. Trust me I was so happy for Dua but seeing her kiss her boyfriend right after me was kind of a turn off.

"I say you just spend today with your boyfriend it's a nice day out" I say

"Okay you have to be upset to say that" she says

"I'm not Dua we can celebrate tomorrow okay?" I say

I notice her face turn from a happy look to a confused one. I wasn't trying to confuse her in any way but I don't think I should tell her about John just yet. Maybe I was losing feeling for her but she isn't mine to lose at the end of the day.

"Alright then I'll miss you" she says as she goes in for a hug

She stays hugging me for a while and she whispers into my ear

"I liked your kiss better" she whispers


"So how was her face when you told her you were leaving her arse for me" she says while sitting on top of my counter

"Well fortunately she wasn't there to witness that and well I'm not leaving her to go back to working with you" I say as I try not to make eye contact

"Wait what" she says as she grabs me by my shoulders to face her

"I want to go back to learning more about music" I say

"What so you can hang with john again?" She says in an off tone

"So what if I did he's just a friend Dua" I say

"A friend you once had feelings for and we both know he still loves you" she says

"He doesn't he was actually understanding about everything today and yea I had feelings for him but I had every right to"

"You talked to him today? Why did he have to know you were leaving he isn't Rita is that why you took so long" she ask

"God Dua are you hearing yourself? Let's not forget you have a boyfriend and I can't even have a guy friend? Are you even aware that I want to learn about music for me? Not for some guys attention" I say

I don't understand why she acting like this all of a sudden. She never went crazy like this before at least not that I remember but then again I let a lot of things she did just go over my head so maybe she thinks she can just say whatever to me now and I'll take it but she's wrong.

"I can help you with music I know a lot about it I can even get you connections" she says

"I don't need anyones help Dua I appreciate it but no that's just cheating my way through and I'm not that person"

"I'm not understanding you at all right now first you want to be with me all the time and now you don't?" She says

"Yea maybe you're right you don't understand because this wasn't even supposed to lead to an argument I just wanted your support" i say as I head toward my room

She doesn't say anything or doesn't follow me into the room. I couldn't just turn around and apologize because I did nothing wrong and she just seemed way different on how she replied to everything I was saying.

I laid in my bed for a few minutes hoping even though I should just not care but for her to come in. Then I hear sniffles, is she crying? Why is she crying though? God I couldn't stand it so I went to check on her.

Turns out she is crying and when she saw me come in she quickly turned around. I still don't understand why she would be crying though I don't think I was hard on her at all. I'm very conflicted on what I should do right now.

"I don't why I'm crying" she fake laughs

"Arguments suck huh?" I ask

"I support you in anything you do it's just that you're right about everything I don't think I will ever give you peace because of this life I'm living as of right now"

"Yea but you said as of now which means it'll come to an end soon and I love you and you love me so I'm willing to wait that time but give me a break with you being jealous because I would never do anything to hurt you" I say

"God I don't deserve you do I?" She says as she smiles with a stuffy nose

"No one deserves anything but everyone deserves love" I say

I'm afraid the version of Dua I knew was being corrupted because she's never been so angry about something I told her but she was right to be in a way because I did have feelings for john at some point but she made sure that would never happen again.

Oh to be a fish in the sea in the Barbie movie

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Oh to be a fish in the sea in the Barbie movie

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