4: unreleased

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we got back from mexico and tom called bill to see if he was home. surprisingly he didn't answer. he texted tom instead.

(tom's phone pov)

hey i'm not home right now i'm out with georg and gustav sorry! i'll let you know tho.

me (tom)
fs thanks.

"shit. bill isn't home i don't have a key. mind if we crash at yours?" "uh no i'll give you a tour too!" he smiled. i called ashlynn to come get us and she was here pretty quick. "hiiii lola bear!" "hi ash!" "hi tom how are you?" "i'm good thanks," while me and ashlynn were talking shit abt girls from her high school (my old high school) tom's head was resting on my shoulder checking all him socials on his phone.

we got to my house and me and ashlynn kissed each other on the cheek goodbye and headed inside with tom. "just toss your stuff on the side right here." i showed him the kitchen, living room, bathrooms and we headed up stairs. i showed him the other bathrooms, my moms room, and my room. he jumped on the bed and i followed. he started wiggling roughly "are you ok are you dying?" i asked "i was just testing if it was sturdy babe" i rolled my eyes "ok well ima go get my bag" i went down stairs

"HOLY SHIT!" i heard tom yell. i ran upstairs with my bag dropping it at the top of the staircase running into my room "WHATS WRONG?" i saw my second door open which led to a private studio "jeez tom you scared me." "Lola is this yours ?" "yes. well kinda." i paused "me and my dad played a lot of instruments when he was still around and he left it all for me." "can the band come over? you have to show them this!" "yea for sure."

the band came and i showed them around before showing them my studio. it had 3 guitars hung on the wall, 2 electric, 1 bass. it also had a drum set, and a cello. while everyone payed attention to the instruments bill found a binder with the line up for a secret  un released album coming out next week: "NO QUE NO! (spanish slang for "i told you so") which also had the cover of the album paper clipped on it

 while everyone payed attention to the instruments bill found a binder with the line up for a secret  un released album coming out next week: "NO QUE NO! (spanish slang for "i told you so") which also had the cover of the album paper clipped on it

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(you on the cover😜)

the line up:
(pretend you wrote the songs bc i'm am not making up original songs for this🥰)

Playing dangerous- lana del rey
My own summer (shove it) - deftones
I'm so sick - Flyleaf
High by the beach - lana del rey
The kids aren't alright - The offspring
self esteem - the offspring
chop suey! - system of a down

next to each song had each guitar chord and drum beat. "Lolita we have to do one of these cmon!" the boys were surrounding the binder. "i mean i guess but some of these songs get intense. what do you want to hear." "how about... chop suey?" fuck i was hoping he wouldn't chose that song. it's super out of my comfort zone.. but i mean the album was literally gonna come out next week. what do i have to lose "sure.." i grabbed a mic stand, the bass guitar and both electric guitars for tom and i.


i got nervous as they started playing.

"Wake up!

Grab a brush and put a little make-up

Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up.."

i sang nervously. and then the chorus came.

"I don't think you trust..

In..my..self-righteous suicide

I cry when angels deserve to die!"

i scream sang the "die" i kept singing and then my eyes shut when i got to the pre chorus. the most nerve-racking part to sing.

"Father! 4x

Father, into your hands I commend my spirit

Father, into your hands

Why have you forsaken me?

In your eyes forsaken me

In your thoughts forsaken me

In your heart forsaken me, oh.."

i kept singing till the song was finished and i opened to my hands out of breath. "lola that was so good! i can't wait to here the other songs!" every one else agreed. "guys.. i hate to break this sweet moment but" "yes gustav?" we all asked "we have to get ready for tour! we leave in five hours!" i realized it was 12:00am and we had to leave at 5:00am

"shit!" we all yelled "i'm packed up idk about y'all" "yea me too" gustav and tom agreed. "i gotta tun see ya!" bill rushed out. "i should probably leave to" georg agreed. "i'm getting sleep bye guys" gustav left which left me and tom. "package! bye!" bill tossed a packaged on my couch and left. i began to pack

"tom can you grab that?" "ofc" i packed 12 different out fits and figured i'll just buy the rest. tom threw the package at my head luckily it wasn't a box but it still hurt a little "ow fuck tom!" i ripped open the package revealing more thongs tom bought. i side eyed him "seriously." "whattt?? i just want to spoil you." "let's go to sleep now we have to head to bills at 4:30." "okkk" i changed and layes down. "i love you, lolita" "i love you too tommy"

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