12: happy halloween! (smut)

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tw:self harm

we continued making out and tom tugged on my shirt wanting me to take my blue long sleeve. i took it off and he grabbed my wrist gently but aggressively at the same time. fuck how did i forget to cover them. "when was the last time you did this?" i felt myself choking up. "a little bit before we met."he raised my hand and kissed the scars on my skin "i still think you beautiful." i smiled at him.

-time skip: halloween!-

"ITS HALLOWEEN TOM GET UP!!!" i jumped on him we slept in late a lot it was 3:00 pm "calm down bunny" "since when do you call me bunny?" " since today." he kissed me on the forehead. making me smile. "hey can you go help out bill? i'm gonna start getting ready" he nodded.

i finished getting ready about an hour later when i heard tom and bill arguing down stairs. "nuh uh it's supposed to be like this" "no like this!" "what are you guys arguing about now?" i saw them trying to put a table cloth on the table.

"it's like this" i put it down on the table "TOLD YOU!" tom yelled in bills face. "whatever i'm going to get ready" bill ran up stairs. "so.. whatcha think?" i asked tom twirling. "adorable." "go change while i set the drinks up." i told him. he ran upstairs too.

i finished setting up the drinks and felt someone spinnning me around and it was tom! he kissed me as i heard "IM HERE SLUT!" come from my front door it was ashlynn. "omg you look so sexy!" "i know right so do you!" we gave eachother a kiss mixing our  red and nude lipstick a little. she came as spider man. after ashlynn came tons of people started packing in.

me and tom danced and drank all night long. it was my most successful party i've ever thrown. i caught ashlynn and georg dancing too which i thought was sweet. *ding dong!* i grabbed the candy bowl and went to the door. "trick or treat!" some little kids and a guy about my age were at my door step.

i gave them each a full size candy bar. "taking your siblings out?" "yea, hey how about you ditch that party and come home with me." "tsk. my boyfriend wouldn't like that."  i felt tom approaching me and grabbed my waist. "happy halloween!" tom said shooing the kid away. he shut the door i kissed him on the both cheeks leaving red kiss marks on them.

"why don't we go to our room hm?" i nodded eagerly knowing exactly what was going on. i layed on the bed and he got on top of me and started kissing me everywhere. i didn't even fight for dominance i let him do whatever he wanted to me. i kicked of my heels and began to strip.

he stripped as well. i grabbed a condom out my nightstand and rolled it on him slowly. i was now on my hands and knees and tom asked me "do you want this?" "fuck yes please tom" he stuck it in me hard. really hard. "oh fuck!" i screamed. with every rough and fast thrust i moaned out loud and came closer to my high.

"uh shit! oh my god fuck!" it felt so fucking good. i clenched my self around him unconsciously indicating my release. "fuck cum for me i know you want to" tom told me and i did. his thrusts slowed down as he came too.he took the condom off and tossed it in the trash. "uh uh!" i stopped him from getting dressed. "it's my turn."

he seemed so vulnerable under me. i put on another condom and aligned myself with him. i dropped myself on him quickly and he let out a loud groan. i bounced in him faster and faster with his hands gripping my hips and he whimper and moaned. i let out moans myself.

he shut his eyes hard indicating his release i stopped. "please keep going." "work for it." he gripped on my waist harder pounding me on him. "fuck!" i screamed. "lola i'm gonna cum baby.." "go ahead love" i unconsciously tightened myself again cumming everywhere.

i kissed him hard out of breath i then heard foot steps coming to my room. i threw my self off the bed and tom threw the covers over him and ashlynn walked in with georg. "oh shit do you know where lola went?" "um no?" i giggled. "lola get your ass out here." "um i cant." she connected the dots with the hickeys on tom and the red lipstick all over him.

"ahh. well i'm using guest bedroom tell me about this in the morning love ya!" "you better tell me too. love you." and walked out. i threw my self on tom and kissed him "your so good for me." "i love you." "i love you more." we showered and went to bed.


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