9: released

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i woke up with a pounding headache. and lower back pain. like burning not aching back pain. my belly button hurt too. what the fuck? i was in tom's shirt and underwear. tom was in the bed next to me. i got up in the mirror. and lifted up my shirt. FUCK! i pierced my belly button?? and my tounge? i turned around and  saw i tramp stamp.

 FUCK! i pierced my belly button?? and my tounge? i turned around and  saw i tramp stamp

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"what the fuck?!" i yelled waking tom.  "what's wrong?" he asked "look!" i showed him my piercings and tattoo "oh yea you got really drunk and on our way home we passed a tattoo shop and promised you wouldn't regret it so me and the band took you." "and you believed me?" i looked at them "actually there kinda hot" i smiled.

-time skip: the day of your album release-

it was the day my first album released. so far the band and i have toured in new york, los angeles, park city, and now we ar in Las Vegas. i layed in the bed while the guys ran some errands i heard pounding at our door. i got up to see what was going on. "yo what the f-" "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ALBUM LOLA." they all yelled "thanks guys!" i smiled at everyone. "you have 45 minutes we're going out!" "ok then see you guys." tom stayed of course as we shared a room and picked me up hugging me. "STOP IT PUT ME DOWN!" "IM SO PROUD OF YOU BABE!" "OK OK! PUT ME DOWN." i kissed him.

he had flowers for me! baby pink lillies; my favorite! i smiled at him and gave him a kiss. "ok ima go get dressed!" "don't wear a dress!" "aw man why?" "trust me." i did. but me outfit was still bomb


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"TOMMMM COME LOOK AT MY OUTFIT "of course babe." he saw it and laughed "cute huh?" "only on you" he kissed me. we finished getting ready just in time for bill to bang on the door again "ok slut! we're ready!" he stared at my shirt and looked back at be with a raised eyebrow. "are you gonna wear that to the interview too?" "of course not now let's go" oh yea i had an interview at 7:00.

we ended up at a go kart place and i was beyond excited. i've always wanted to go but never had the chance. "so what colors did you guys want?" i chose pink of course, bill chose blue, tom chose red, and after playing rock paper scissors over who gets green, gustav got green and georg hot black.

"ok so don't crash into eachother and please keep your arms and hands in the go kart." the guy said going over the rules. we all nodded "ready, set,.." we saw the checkered flag being waved and i stomped on the gas go super fast. tom almost pasted me but no way was i gonna let that slide. i stomped harder and passed him flipping him off. it was SO fun but of course we had to go for the interview.

it was just me and tom and i changed quickly before leaving.

it was just me and tom and i changed quickly before leaving

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i looked at the time and it was 6:45. i was running late so i texted carmen letting her know i was dressed and ready to just go on and she agreed. i sighed in relief.

-time skip:your about to go on-

tom kissed me good bye making his way to the audience. "hey y'all! it's your host lindsay barr of "Todays Teens" today we have a very special guest. the 16 year old singer, and songwriter her she is LOLITA!" everyone clapped for you as you walked to sit down.

"so ms. lolita how are you today? how do you feel about your album "no que no" coming out? what does no que no mean?" "i'm good ! um i'm very excited about my album! i've worked on it since forever and uh no que no is spanish slang for like 'i told you so!"." "oh ok! so we've heard a lot of buzz on you and one of tokio hotels guitarists tom kaulitz and that you guys are dating hows that going?" "good! our relationship is healthy and i love him very much he's a great boyfriend you know." "yea.. speaking of which! paparazzi caught a video you guys at a go karting place here! let's take a look hm?"

(video of you and tom)
"lola will you grab that for me?"

"of course yea!"


-you grab the phone that tom asked you to grab while getting out of the car. and you guys kissed-

"i love you lola"

"i love you too tom."

(end of video)

shit.shit shit shit!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫✰Where stories live. Discover now