18: Kick it at mines?

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-Time skip: you've arrived at your hotel in for your third preformance Los Angeles California-

While tom and i walked to our hotel room i was stopped by a tall curly haired guy. "hi gorgeous" "hi" "Lolita, yea?" "yea! are you here for the show?" i smiled "i wish i love your music! but i was wondering.. wanna kick at mines tonight? grab a drink maybe?" "no i'm busy and my boyfriend wouldn't like that" i frowned. i felt tom's eyes burning a whole through the guy as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

we got in our room and i threw myself on the bed. "how is it already mid november?" i groaned. "wake me up in 30 please." "of course" he layed with me  while i drifted off to sleep. i felt a kiss on my lips which woke me. "hi baby did you sleep well?" "yes now let's get going i don't wanna be late." i got up with tom. but before moving any further i hugged him. don't know why it just felt right.

we left and met ashlynn and georg at the dressing rooms. i sat in my chair and got my hair and makeup done and got changed.

 i sat in my chair and got my hair and makeup done and got changed

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i met everyone backstage and complimented everyone. before going on i hugged tom and he whispered "your so fucking beautiful, lola" i giggled softly and whispered back "maybe you'll get lucky tonight love."  i kissed his neck. i did my intro and began singing.

"Boy, look at you looking at me

I know you know how I feel

Lovin' you is hard, bein' here's harder

You take the wheel"

Honestly "high by the beach" was one of my favorite tracks. and to be honest i was high when i wrote the song.

"All I wanna do is get high by the beach

Get high by the beach, get high

All I wanna do is get by by the beach-

-You could be a bad motherfucker

But that don't make you a man

Now you're just another one of my problems.."

all of a sudden i was thanking the crowd and walking off. "you were great lola!" i thanked everyone and complimented them too. we we're headed to new port tomorrow just to hang out there. we were already back at the hotel and i pulled out my song notebook and began writing.

Breath out.

So i can breath you in..

that when i was stopped by tom: "wanna go swimming?"
Im so sorry for the short chapter! Don't forget to vote 💕

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫✰Where stories live. Discover now